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乐业县 Leye County英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-03 18:43:38


乐业县 Leye County英语短句 例句大全

乐业县,Leye County

1)Leye County乐业县

1.Leye county lies to the northwest of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, it is a poorcounty in China.乐业县位于广西西北部,是国定贫困县,经济落后,交通不发达,以传统农业生产为主,几乎没有工业。


1.Research on Strategies for Organic Agricultural Development of Leye County;乐业县有机农业发展思路与对策研究

2.Diversity and Protection of Amphibians and Reptiles in Tongle Forest Farm of Leye County;乐业县同乐林场两栖爬行动物多样性研究及保护

3.On the Tourist Resources Exploitation in Underdeveloped Area--Taking Leye County as an Example;后发展地区的旅游开发与可持续发展——以广西乐业县为例

4.Tradition and Innovation: Study of Ancient Papermaking of Gaoshanhan in Baji Village and Tourism Development;传统与创新:乐业县把吉村高山汉古法造纸与旅游开发研究

5.Thoughts on Leye Pepper Production Today and Its Future Industrialization in Huize County ,Yunnan Province;浅谈会泽县乐业辣椒的生产现状及其发展策略

6.Eco environment Protection Countermeasures of Agriculture SustainableDevelopment in Jiangle County;将乐县农业可持续发展的生态保护对策

7.High-tech Agricultural Development in Changjiang, Dongfang and Ledong, Hainan海南昌江、东方、乐东三县市高新农业调查报告

8.Agriculture,Technological Innovation and Brand Strategy技术创新与品牌农业战略——广西壮族自治区平乐县农业的发展

9.Xin Qi Le Company of Chao An County lies in An Bu Town of Chao An County, it is a manufacturing enterprise specializing in the production of peculiar toys.潮安县新奇乐公司,座落于广东省潮安县庵埠镇,是一家专业生产奇特玩具的生产企业。

10.Developing Green Industry Innovatively Creating Banana County Elaborately--Reflection on the Development of Green Banana Industry in Ledong;创新发展绿色产业 精心打造香蕉大县——关于乐东县开发绿色香蕉产业的思考

11.Thought on the Development of Tourism Agriculture in Tianjin-Empirical Analysis on Farm Tourism in Ji County;发展天津旅游农业的思考——蓟县“农家乐”开发实证分析

12.On the choices of the development mode of "Fisherman"s Family Tourism" industry in China--Take Shengsi County,Zhejiang Province for example当前我国“渔家乐”发展模式选择——以浙江省嵊泗县“渔家乐”产业发展为例

13.On the Role of Industrial Cluster Plays in Promoting the Development of County Economies--based on the Research of the Development of Industrial Clusters in Leling产业集群推动县域经济发展浅析——基于山东省乐陵市产业集群发展的研究

14.Research on Constructing the Operational Mechanism of the Villagers Autonomy in Harmonious Society--A Case study of Luobu Village of Leye Town in Huize County;和谐社会背景下村民自治组织运行机制建设研究——以会泽县乐业镇罗布村为例

15.Research on agricultural Industry in county Area;县域农业产业化探索——以安阳县为例

16.The Value of Jia Xian Baiyun Guan Taoist Music in Modern Music陕北佳县白云观道教音乐的现代音乐价值

17.Eleven-faced Avalokitesvara of the Dulesi Temple at Jixian蓟县独乐寺十一面观音像

18.A Risk Analysis of Peasants Livelihood;农户生计风险研究:以江西乐安县为例


Changle County昌乐县

1.Calculation and Analysis for the Ecological Footprint ofChangle County,Shandong Province;山东省昌乐县生态足迹研究

2.Study on water resources carrying capacity inChangle County;山东省昌乐县水资源承载力研究

3.Based on the study in the water head area inChangle County,the paper emphasize the significance of protecting the water head area.在实地考察昌乐县水源地现状的基础上,提出该县水源地保护的意义。

3)Jingle County静乐县

1.Analysis on the Water-resources Situation of the Upper Course of the Fenhe River withinJingle County;静乐县县界以上汾河上游水资源状况分析

4)Lezhi county乐至县

1.This paper expounds the characteristics, utilization feature and problems of land resources inLezhi county and puts forward three strategies of utilization of land resources in the sustainable way.阐述了乐至县土地资源特征、利用特点与问题 ,提出了土地资源可持续利用的 3项对策 ,一是搞好农田基本建设 ,提高耕地质量 ;二是加大科技投入 ,优化土地利用 ;三是控制人口总量 ,提高人口素

5)Minle county民乐县

1.After verifying the revising the edition and contents of Founding and Verising the anndls for Minle County ,the article concludes that the copy is the only one in China and it contributed a lot to the research of Hexi Culture.考证抄本《创修民乐县志》的版本、内容及修撰情况,认为该抄本为国内孤本,其书对研究河西文化有很高的参考价值。

6)Ledong County乐东县

1.787 soil samples of 5 soil types were taken from 11 towns in Ledong county of Hainan province and their available sulfur contents were analyzed.结果表明:乐东县土壤有效硫含量平均为45。


