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正确率 Accuracy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-22 18:10:11


正确率 Accuracy英语短句 例句大全



paring with general accuracy,ROC could describe the classify capability adequately and be adopted in all conditions.与传统的正确率相比,ROC分析更能够全面地描述分类算法的分类性能。

2.Accuracy is the important index of measuring the level of the computer operator’s words writing.正确率是衡量计算机操作人员文字录入水平的重要指标。


1.US accuracy rate was 85 3%.超声诊断正确率为 85 .3%。

2.The frozen sectionwas taken in 35.5% of patients, and the accurate rate was 68.1%.冰冻切片实施率35.5%,正确率68.1%。

3.The accurate needle puncture rate was 100%, accurate diagnosis rate 92.3%,and false negative rate 7.7%.刺中率为 10 0 % ,活检正确率为 92 3% ,假阴性率 7 7%。

4.The accuracy of ult rasound which qualify the accessory parotid gland is 84%.对副腮腺肿块的定性正确率达到84%。

5.There were 26 cases of adenofibroma, and the diagnostic accuracy were 92.3%.纤维瘤26例,诊断正确率92.3%。

6.Pass Machine Reasoning Test in 85% correctness.以85%的正确率通过机器推理测试。

7.Enhancing Comprehension Rate of English Reading with logic knowledge;运用逻辑知识 提高阅读理解正确率

8.After Echo Cancellation,the speech recognition correction rate and accuracy rate are improved by about 29% and 60% respectively.回声抵消后 ,语音识别正确率和准确率分别提高约 2 9%和 6 0 % .

9.The accuracy of segmentation changes with different language model and the reason is analyzed.还给出了在不同的统计语言模型阶数下切分正确率变化的情况,分析了切分正确率变化的原因。

10.A great number of experiments indicates that the correct recognition rate of this system reaches up to 92% on daytime and about 80% on nighttime.实验数据表明,白天车辆正确识别率在92 %以上,而夜间正确率在80 %左右。

11.The accuracy of tagging pain of sped is 95% for closed -corpora.封闭语料测试,词性自动标注正确率达95%。

12.Experiment results show that the method precedes other image matching methods in matching veracity.实验表明该方法能够提高图像匹配的正确率。

13.Results:Among 12 cases of isolated node type,ultrasound diagnostic accordance rate is 50%.结果 :1孤立结节型 12例 ,超声诊断正确率 5 0 % ;

14.The Analysis on the Improvement of Fault Line Selection Accuracy in Arc Suppresion Coil Grouding System消弧线圈系统故障选线正确率提高的案例分析

15.Hence, improve the correct rate of off-line handwritten Chinese character recognition.从而进一步提高了脱机手写汉字识别的正确率。

16.Even the best trading systems will only be right about 60% of the time.即使最好的交易系统也就只有60%的正确率。

17.Handle the Issue of Exchange Rate Correctly,Keep the Stability of Financial Operation;正确应对汇率问题 确保金融运行稳定

18.Ensure smooth DCS, PLC, instrument equipment operation, reduce down times as much as possible.确保自控系统的运转正常,降低停机率.


correct rate正确率

1.A case study is given to show that the test of design schemes is necessary for designers to correct mistakes and perfect design,and that it can improve thecorrect rate of the design,and ensure the normal operation of the system.基于时间连续的马尔柯夫链建立了工程检验环节的数学模型,并通过实例说明检验校对可以提高设计的正确率,保证系统的正常运行。

2.In the end,the experiment validated the hypothesis in two aspects——the objective performance(including reaction time andcorrect rate) and subjective satisfaction of subjects.该研究实验从被试的客观操作绩效(反应时和正确率)和主观满意度评价两方面证实了该假设的成立:在保持被试自然姿势操作手机键盘的情况下,各按键在手机键盘中的位置确实对操作工效有较大影响。

3.The paper analyses natives\" frequency of usage,foreign students\" frequency of usage andcorrect rate,then conclude the acquisition sequence of the directional complement.本文综合汉语母语者的使用频率、外国学生的使用频率和正确率,得出外国学生汉语趋向补语句的习得顺序。

3)correctness rate正确率

1.The result shows that reading speed andcorrectness rate are higher when the reader has relavent schema about the reading material.研究结果表明 ,当读者大脑中存在与阅读内容相关的图式时 ,阅读速度和正确率明显高过没有相关图式的阅读。

4)right probability正确概率

1.And the formula to calculate itsright probability is derived.简述了利用伪随机码判别距离模糊度的方法 ,给出伪码判模糊正确概率的理论推导过程 ,分析发现概率、虚警概率、信噪比等相关因素对正确概率的影响 ,并对该种判模糊方法的实现提出改进。

5)TOPI AccuracyTOP1正确率

6)TOP5 AccuracyTOP5正确率


