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本科生培养 undergraduate education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-30 08:39:24


本科生培养 undergraduate education英语短句 例句大全

本科生培养,undergraduate education

1)undergraduate education本科生培养

1.The innovation in education model,education ideas,the curriculum system,teaching method and managing style,has been improved during the process of theundergraduate education by absorbing the advanced experience of other countries for reference.在吸收和借鉴国外先进国家经验的基础上,促进本科生培养过程中的培养模式、教育理念、课程体系、教学方法和管理方式的变革与创新。


1.On the Cost of Establishing Training Programs for Undergraduates in Colleges and Universities;高校制订本科生培养方案的成本分析

2.On Undergraduates" Education Model of University of Oxford基于培养方案的牛津大学本科生培养模式研究

3.The Study on the Undergraduates Cultivating Model of the American Research Universities;美国研究型大学本科生培养模式研究

4.The Nature of Science and the Cultivation of Students Conception of the Nature of Science;科学的本质与学生科学本质观的培养

5.On the Combination of the Research and Teaching and the Nurture of the First-class Undergraduates in Science and Engineering;试论科教结合与培养一流工科本科生

6.Practice and Experience of Cultivating Undergraduates Ability of Scientific and Technological Innovation;培养本科生科技创新能力的实践探索

7.On Training Pattern of Scientific Research in Medical Undergraduate Education;医学专业本科生科研能力的培养模式

8.Investigation on status of cultivating undergraduates creativity in engineering colleges;工科院校本科生创造力培养现状调查

9.On cultivation system of scientific innovation of undergraduates in colleges and universities;高校本科学生科技创新培养体系论略

10.Consideration of Enrollment and Cultivation of UndergraduatesAccording to the First Grade Disciplines;本科教育按学科大类招生培养的思考

11.Analysis of Thinking Mistakes in Training Undergraduates Ability with Scientific Research培养本科生科研能力的意识误区分析

12.Developing Research Creativity of Medical Undergraduates医学本科生科研创新能力培养的探讨

13.Exploration and Study on the Run-through Cultivation of the Undergraduate Student and Graduate Student;本科生-研究生贯通培养的实践与探索


15.Orientation of training objectives of non-governmental university students of four-year program;民办院校本科学生培养目标定位探讨

16.Training of creativity for students of applied-type universities;应用型本科院校学生创新素质的培养

17.Study on the Approaches for Cultivating the Practice Ability of the Undergraduates of University;高校本科生实践能力培养途径的研究

18.Dissertation Writing and Cultivation of Undergraduates General Capability;毕业论文写作与本科生综合能力培养


training program for undergraduates本科生培养方案

1.This paper,from the relative microcosmic aspect, states that some principles such as cost-and-effects should be considered during makingtraining program for undergraduates,discusses that some cost elements such as the minimum credits for graduation should be regarded,and makes some suggestions about how to establish or rework training program for under.从相对微观的角度,分析了高校制定本科生培养方案应考虑的成本效益等原则,认为高校虽不是以盈利为目的组织,但在教学管理中也应重视教学成本问题。

3)the Cultivating Model of Undergraduates本科生培养模式

4)training target of undergraduate本科生培养目标

5)special cultivation college of undergraduate本科生特别培养学院

anizational culture research onspecial cultivation college of undergraduate against the Popularization of higher education高校本科生特别培养学院组织文化研究

6)undergraduate students" education mode本科培养模式


