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宁静 peace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-07 08:47:32


宁静 peace英语短句 例句大全



1.The poet s returnig and leaving ——the liferal difference between"Admire the Soul of Chinese Nation" and the modern consciousness nad thepeaceful theme;诗人的返回与出走——杨炼《礼魂》与“寻根”文学的差异及其现代意识与宁静主题

2.This article analyzes the connotation of Xu Qiubai s Poem Occasional composition written on the eve of death,and concludes that the tone of the poem beingpeace and not seeking fame and wealth.阐述瞿秋白绝命诗《偶成》的真实内涵,《偶成》的基调是淡泊与宁静。

3.By introducing the forming of Morandi s personal style,this paper stresses on his unique painting style,which gives people a feeling ofpeace and elegance.莫兰迪的绘画给人一种宁静、淡逸的感觉。


1.a peaceful evening, scene, death宁静的黄昏、 静谧

2.and left a moment"s interval of rest.留下了暂时的宁静。

3.which rob the Soul of Peace,以至扰乱心灵的宁静,

4.You"re violating the peace of the countryside.你在扰乱乡村的宁静。

5.apolline serenity阿波罗神的宁静气氛

6.quiet coronal X-ray emissio宁静日冕X射线辐射

7.a state of refreshing tranquility.一种提神的宁静状态。

8.Over everything was a holy peace.到处是极端的宁静。

9.I enjoy the quietness of the country.我喜爱乡村的宁静。

10.She led a quiet life.她过着宁静的生活。

11.The hillsides looked very peaceful.山坡上看来十分宁静。

12.She fell into restful slumber.她进入宁静的安眠之中。

13.The moon is rising calm and bright.月亮宁静而光亮地升起。

14.The silence was broken by a loud cry.宁静被一声喊叫所打破。

15.in the quiet of the country在乡下的宁静环境中

16.a restful seaside town一个宁静的海滨小镇

17.rustic charm, peace, simplicity乡村的秀丽、宁静、 简朴

18.limb brightening of radio quiet Sun宁静射电太阳临边增亮



1.The purpose of Marcus Aurelius outlook on life is to seektranquility which is found by people s facing the destiny full of frustration.奥勒留人生哲学的目的是寻求宁静,这种宁静是通过直接面对多舛的命运来实现的,其理论根据是人的理性由宇宙理性所规约,因为宇宙理性是非恶的、人有自由意志以及宇宙万物流变不息。


1.In a way,it s also kinds of power of her character:It s a very long process that the particularity of passion andserenity is gradually understood and identified.勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》由当初的遭贬抑到现在的倍受推崇,某种程度上可以说是她精神与个性中激情与宁静的特质逐渐被理解和认同的过程。


1.,The Skepticism claims to doubt all essence from perceptive phenomena and conclusion that inferred by rational thinking,then adopts "the suspension judgment" to obtain the soul "tranquilly".古希腊晚期怀疑主义是西方哲学史上一个重要流派,它是在乱世之下作为反对"独断论"的哲学派别而出现的,与当时的伊壁鸠鲁学派、斯多葛学派和犬儒学派并驾齐驱,主张怀疑一切感性现象所呈现的本质和理性思维推断出来的结论,通过"悬置判断"获得灵魂的"宁静"。

2.The modern popular sea style has guided the new decoration trend,the brief decoration with blue color gives the unprecedentedtranquility to the residents,brings a cool and natural flavor,and emphasizes in one kind of visual impulse.现代流行的海洋风格引导了装饰界新的一股潮流,蓝色调的简约装饰带给了居住者前所未有的宁静,带来一丝清凉、自然的韵味,强调了一种视觉上的冲击力。

5)Serenity; tranquillity; peace.宁静;平静;安宁

6)Jingning decoction静宁汤

1.Jingning decoction for ADHD: an observation of 68 cases;静宁汤加减治疗儿童多动症68例临床观察


宁静射电太阳临边增亮通过射电干涉仪或日食观测,在厘米和分米波段发现宁静射电太阳在赤道方向上的亮度分布并不象光学太阳那样呈临边昏暗,而是日面边缘附近的亮温度常常高于日面中央的亮温度,亮度也相应增加,这种现象称为临边增亮。理论上有过很多尝试来解释这种临边增亮现象。宁静太阳射电是沿视线方向上的太阳大气各部分发射和吸收电波的总效果,主要的发射来自日面以上的所谓"光学厚度"(见辐射转移理论)约等于 1的高度处。这个高度对厘米和分米波而言,在日面边缘要比在日面中心的高些。基本上决定亮温度的太阳大气的电子温度,通常随高度而增加,因而产生这种临边增亮现象。可是,在极轴方向上,厘米和分米波段的亮度分布则呈临边昏暗。而对于米波段,在两个方向上均呈临边昏暗。至于毫米波段中的亮度分布,迄今尚未获得一致的结论。射电干涉仪和日食观测,得出各种不同的甚至相反的结果:有时呈现临边增亮,有时呈现临边昏暗,有时得到从日心到边缘几乎均匀的平坦的亮度分布,有时却得到复杂的双峰临边增亮,有时甚至还得到不规则的亮度分布结构。
