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外迁移民 immigrants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-06 04:13:05


外迁移民 immigrants英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective To investigate the effect of psychosocial factors on mental health of three gorgesimmigrants.目的研究三峡库区外迁移民心理健康状况与影响因素。

2.The paper analyzes the cognition ofimmigrants to land quantity, land quality and farming condition of land, and points out that the land toimmigrants has the function of status maintenance, social security and economic profits.本文以外迁到江苏省大丰市的三峡农村移民为对象,考察其对土地数量、土地质量、土地耕种条件的认知;指出土地对外迁移民具有身份认定功能、社会保障功能、经济收益功能。


1.Research on Emigration Difficulties and Emigrant Psychological State in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区外迁移民难点及移民心态研究

2.A Tentative Study on Cultivating the “Sense of Master” of Three Gorges Resettlers;三峡库区外迁移民“主人翁心态”的培养

3.Analysis of the Feelings of Emigrants in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and its Countermeasures;三峡库区外迁移民的心态及对策分析

parison of mental health of three-gorge migrants: latter resettled migrants versus outside moving migrants三峡库区后靠移民与外迁移民心理健康状况比较分析

5.Study of Social Harmony and Social Stability of Sanxia Migration at Re-settlement;三峡外迁移民在安置地社会融合与稳定研究

6.Research on social adaptability of TGP migrants resettled in other provinces;关于三峡工程跨省外迁移民的社会适应性研究

7.A Positive Analysis On Mental Stress of Migrant of Three-strait Project;三峡外迁移民社会心理应激的实证分析

8.On Emigrants from Three Gorges Area:Conflicts and Solutions;三峡库区外迁移民的社区文化冲突及对策

9.A Survey of State of Min A Survey of State of Mind of Emigrants in Three-gorge Dam Area and a Research into Its Countermeasures;三峡库区外迁移民心态调查及对策研究

10.Establishment of integrated evaluation system for Three Gorges externally migrated immigrants and reception areas;三峡外迁移民与安置区整合测评体系构建

11.On the Cultural Integrity of Emigrants in the Three gorges Dam Area and Social Stability;三峡库区外迁移民文化整合与社会稳定

12.The Psychological Problems among the Emigrants in the Dam Area of the Three Gorges Project and the Solutions;三峡库区外迁移民心理问题及其调适对策

13.Analyzing the Rural Migrants Roles in the Process ofMigration in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区农村外迁移民过程的角色研究

14.Social Integration of Immigrants from Sanxia with Coastal Resettlement Area;三峡外迁移民与沿海安置区的社会整合

15.Research into the Immigrants" Present Physical Training in Three-gorge Area三峡库区外迁移民体育锻炼现状及对策研究

16.Renewed Emigration in Mountainous Rural Areas and Social Transformation of Areas with High Emigration Incidence;山区农村海外新移民与侨乡社会变迁

17.Moreover, the strict limit on migration has affected the normal and legitimate migration of the citizens.此外,户口迁移限制太死,影响了公民的正常合法迁移。

18.Emigrants and the Culture-Blending of Migrants;外迁型移民与移民文化融合——丹江口水库之淅川县移民迁置荆门研究



1.The Psychological Problems among the Emigrants in the Dam Area of the Three Gorges Project and the Solutions;三峡库区外迁移民心理问题及其调适对策

2.Theemigrants in the Dam area, leaving their hometown of generations and reconstructing their new one, surely undergo great psychological changes.三峡库区外迁移民迁出世代生活的故土家园而重辟生活空间,其心态必然发生重大变化。

3)the emigration移民外迁

1.As one ofthe emigration placement ways, emigrating has many merits comparing with the other placement ways: it has not only placed the massive immigrant population i.三峡移民外迁经历了从政府讳言外迁、移民零星自发外迁、小规模分散外迁、政府鼓励下的大规模自主外迁到政府主导大规模移民集体外迁,证明了外迁安置是有效的移民安置方式。

4)Three Gorges externally migrated immigrants三峡外迁移民

1.Establishment of integrated evaluation system forThree Gorges externally migrated immigrants and reception areas;三峡外迁移民与安置区整合测评体系构建

5)emigration work外迁移民工作

1.Through investigation onemigration work in Wushan, Fengjie and Yunyang, this paper expounds the existing difficulties, analyzes various kinds of emigrant psychological state as well as its influence onemigration work, and proposes some corresponding countermeasures for pompting this wor通过对三峡库区巫山、奉节、云阳外迁移民工作的实地调研 ,概述了外迁移民工作存在的一些困难 ,分析了外迁移民的种种心态及其对三峡库区外迁移民工作的影响 ,提出了把握与改善外迁移民心态 ,促进外迁移民工作的几点建

6)Three Gorges immigrants三峡农村外迁移民

1.Objective To investigate the effect of psychosocial factors on mental health ofThree Gorges immigrants.目的研究三峡农村外迁移民心理健康状况与相关影响因素。


