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水体污染控制 water pollution control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-21 15:50:32


水体污染控制 water pollution control英语短句 例句大全

水体污染控制,water pollution control

1)water pollution control水体污染控制

1.Present status of the application of pulsed corona discharge plasma technique to thewater pollution control and its foreground prospect;脉冲电晕放电等离子体技术在水体污染控制中的研究现状及前景展望

2.Twofold significance of ground water pollution prevention in China"swater pollution control地下水污染防治在我国水体污染控制与治理中的双重意义


1.Twofold significance of ground water pollution prevention in China"s water pollution control地下水污染防治在我国水体污染控制与治理中的双重意义

2.Research on Situ-control Technology for Remediation of Surface Water Contaminated Sediments地表水体底泥污染原位控制技术研究

3.Study on Pollution Load and Control Measures for Different Drainage System;不同排水体制的污染负荷及控制措施研究

4.Research on Assessment of Surface Water Pollution and Controlling Strategies in Beijing北京市地表水体污染评价与控制对策研究

5.The Evaluation Water Pollution and the Research of Its Control for Wei River of Shaanxi;渭河陕西段水体污染评价及控制对策研究

6.Studies on Phosphorus Pollutions in Dianchi Lake and on Strategy for Restoration of Eutrophicated Water;滇池水体磷污染的研究及其控制方法初探

7.Research on the Control Action of Colloid TiO_2 to the Water and Soil Environment Heavy Metals Pollution胶体二氧化钛对水土环境重金属污染控制研究

8.Reform and Innovation of the Teaching System of Water Pollution Control Engineering Experiment水污染控制工程实验教学体系的改革与创新

9.A Study on Valuation of Water Pollution Situation in the Towns of the South of Jiangsu Province & Pollution Control Counter Plan;苏南小城镇水污染状况评价及污染控制对策

10.On Non-point Source Pollution Model and Pollution Control Methods of Water Environment水环境的非点源污染模型及污染控制方法

11.Research on the Total Quantity Control of Pollutant Discharge Oriented to the Agricultural Wastewater Irrigation;面向农业污水灌溉的水污染物总量控制研究

12.With the rapid urbanization, while point source pollution is of control, urban non-point source pollution turns into a serious threat to urban watershed.随着城市化迅速发展,点污染源基本得到控制,非点污染源对城市水体构成严重的威胁。

13.OWPCB (Ohio Water Pollution Control Board)俄亥俄水污染控制委员会

14.Seminar on the Prevention and Control of Groundwater Pollution预防和控制地下水污染讨论会

15.International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control国际水污染研究和控制学会


17.Study on Total Discharge Amount Control of Water Pollutants in Shenyang沈阳市水污染物排放总量控制的研究

18.Nitrogen and Phosphor Pollution Control Investigation of Surface Water Source in Shijiazhuang;石家庄市地表水源氮、磷污染控制研究


water pollution control水污染控制

1.Economical analysis of gray correlation degree forwater pollution control system;水污染控制系统灰色关联度经济分析

2.Application of nanometer TiO_2 photocatalytic technology onwater pollution control;纳米TiO_2光催化技术在水污染控制中的应用

3.Research and strategic thinking forwater pollution control and ecological restoration in Taihu Basin;太湖流域水污染控制与生态修复的研究与战略思考

3)water pollution control engineering水污染控制工程

1.Enhancement of the Teaching Approach in Water Pollution Control Engineering via Application of Multimedia Courseware以形象、逻辑的多媒体课件强化水污染控制工程教学

2.On reform of curriculum system ofwater pollution control engineering水污染控制工程课程体系改革探讨

3.A computer Software concerning application of Flash technology to simulate experiments ofwater pollution control engineering is developed.使用F lash技术进行计算机模拟水污染控制工程实验,既能补充在实际操作中难以完成的实验教学内容,又能降低水污染控制工程实验的运行、维护成本,同时也能让环境工程专业的学生更好地了解水污染控制工程实验内部反应机理和工艺过程。

4)water pollution control planning水污染控制规划

1.Research on application of the projection pursuit model towater pollution control planning;投影寻踪模型在水污染控制规划中的应用

2.Research on GIS-Based Water Pollution Control Planning;基于地理信息系统(GIS)的水污染控制规划研究

3.Research on Water Pollution Control Planning Geographical Information System Model Base;水污染控制规划地理信息系统模型库研究

5)water pollution controlling project水污染控制方案

6)water pollution control programming水污染控制规划

1.The system programming optimization model which include regional water supply,polluted water disposal and reused water systerm is established for the lack of noly considering polluted water disposal and economic benefit inwater pollution control programming.针对目前水污染控制规划只考虑污水处理以及经济效益这些不足,将区域给水、污水处理及中水系统作为统一整体进行统一规划,建立以区域经济效益、社会效益及环境效益最大化为目标,以各子系统供需水量及水质要求为约束条件的优化模型,并应用到具体实际中进行验证,结果表明区域给水与污水处理及回用系统规划的实用性与科学性。


