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盐碱湿地 Salinized wetland英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-24 05:27:18


盐碱湿地 Salinized wetland英语短句 例句大全

盐碱湿地,Salinized wetland

1)Salinized wetland盐碱湿地

1.The leaf anatomy and ultrastructure of Chenopodium glaucum ,a pioneer plant on the salinized wetland of Qinghai Lake,were studied and compared with those collected from the mid surrounding of Lanzhou University under LM and TEM.利用光学显微镜和透射电镜对生长于青海湖湖滨盐碱湿地的先锋植物灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum Linn。


1.a common European salt-marsh aster.欧洲盐碱湿地生长的紫菀。

2.Spatial variability of soil salinity and sodicity and its correlation with the succession of Phragmites Australis community in degraded salt marsh退化盐沼湿地盐碱化空间变异与芦苇群落的演替关系

3.Differences of the Soil and Vegetation in Phragamites australis Community Between Enclosed and Grazed Alkali-salinity Wetlands盐碱化湿地芦苇群落围封和过牧条件下土壤和植被变化

4.Application of the salt tolerance arbor on Saline and Alkali Soil耐盐碱乔木在盐碱地环境中的应用概况

5.Effects of Afforestation on Secondary Salinization Sites in the Yellow River Delta黄河三角洲盐碱地造林抑盐效应分析

6.Determination of berberine hydrochlorde in Shirebi Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定湿热痹片中盐酸小檗碱的含量

7.Effects of Salinity and Waterlogging on Salt-tolerance of Suaeda Salsa L. from an Intertidal Zone and Saline Inland Soil盐及淹水对不同表型盐地碱蓬抗盐性的影响

8.Analysis on Saline-alkali Soil Improvement and Afforestation in Weifang Coastal Area潍坊滨海地区盐碱地改良与绿化分析

9.Characteristics of NO Emission from Typical Saline Soil of Southern Shanxi Cotton Land晋南地区典型盐碱地棉田的NO排放特征

10.Causes Analysis and Countermeasures on Wall Crystalline Bloom in Saline-alkali Area盐碱地区墙面泛碱原因分析及防治措施

11.Land use/cover change in Yancheng coastal wetland盐城滨海湿地的土地利用/覆盖变化

12.SSR and AFLP Analysis of Suaeda Salsa in Different Salinity Soil;不同盐浓度下盐地碱蓬SSR和AFLP分子标记研究

13.Study on the Afforestation Model and Wet and Salt Movement in Coastal Saline-alkaline Soil;滨海盐碱地造林模式及土壤水盐运动规律研究

14.Mulberry Adaptability to Salinity and Its Salt-tolerant Mechanism and Application to Saline-alkali Soils;桑树抗盐性研究及其在盐碱地中的应用

15.Study on Comprehensive Effect of Planting Salt Tolerance Winter Wheat in Saline Soil;在盐碱地上种植耐盐冬小麦的综合效益研究

16.Roles of Membrane-related Translocating Proteins in Salt Tolerance of Suaeda Salsa盐地碱蓬膜相关蛋白及其在耐盐中的作用

parative Study on Water-Salt Dynamic of Platform Field in Coastal Argillaceous Saline-alkali Land滨海泥质盐碱地台田水盐动态对比研究

18.The comparation on seedling emergence and salt tolerance of Suaeda salsa L. from different habitats不同生境盐地碱蓬出苗及幼苗抗盐性比较


saline-alkalined wetlands盐碱化湿地

3)Saline alkali wetland盐碱性湿地

1.Saline alkali wetland is one of the principal types of territory resources in Songnen Plain of China.松嫩平原是我国重要的农业生产基地,盐碱性湿地分布广,面积大,是该区农业发展的主要限制因素之一。

4)coastal marshy wetland滨海盐碱湿地

5)saline-alkali soil in coastal wetland海岸湿地盐碱土

6)inland saline-alkaline wetland内陆盐碱湿地

1.Theinland saline-alkaline wetland is a special part of the wetlands, but the studies on its types, characteristics and distribution are quite little.内陆盐碱湿地是湿地的重要组成部分,其类型、特征及分布规律的研究十分薄弱。


