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漂角 drift英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-25 03:59:14


漂角 drift英语短句 例句大全



1.The pressure distribution around the hull,vertical force and pitching moment varying withdrift angles and Re numbers were computed on MSU model in this paper.本文数值计算了MSU潜艇模型在一定漂角范围内不同Re数下的艇体压力分布、垂向力及纵倾力矩。


1.Numerical simulation of submarine hull pressures and hydrodynamic forces at incidence数值计算有漂角时潜艇表面压力与水动力特性

2.Heading control study of a deep manned submersible at a low speed and large drift angles based upon fuzzy sliding mode control大深度载人潜水器低速大漂角模糊滑模航向控制研究

3.A beautiful corner kick!好一个漂亮的角球!

4.a pretty little triangular garden漂亮的三角形小花园

5.white stretch briefs for ladies平罗纹漂白圆筒女三角裤

6.Influence of the Electrial steel Residual Magnetism on the Drift of Angular Sensor电工钢剩磁对角度传感器漂移的影响

7.On "Robinson Crusoe" from the Perspective of Puritan Ethics;清教伦理视角下的《鲁滨孙漂流记》

8.crocodiles for their hides, rhinos for their horns, and birds for their beautiful feathers.要鳄鱼的皮,犀牛的角,还有鸟的漂亮的羽毛。

9.Measurement of laser angle drift by means of measure microscope利用测量显微镜开展激光束角漂实验研究

10.A Low-Power Consumption, Lower Temperature Drift,Digital Capacitive Angular Displacement Transducer低功耗低温漂数字式电容角位移传感器

11.Anti-cancer Effect and Preparation of Stomach Remaining Floating Tablets on the Extraction of Trapa Bispinosa Roxb. Shells;菱角壳提取物的抗癌研究及其胃漂浮片的研制

12.A Sociocultural Exploration of the Translation of Robinson Crusoe;从社会文化角度论《鲁滨孙漂流记》的译介

13.Analysis of the Chinese version of Adventure of Robinson Cruse from the perspective of Skopos Theory从“目的论”角度分析《鲁宾逊漂流记》中译本

14.Temperature drift error mitigation methods in two-channel combined angle measuring system双通道组合测角系统的温漂误差抑制方法

15.The Chiangnan Grand Canyon military drift scenic spot is" the long triangle" the first example take the military as the subject exploration drift.江南大峡谷军事漂流风景区是“长三角”首例以军事为主题的探险漂流。

16.Some nice display specimens of a small range of minerals.北角电器道232号地铺.提供种类不多但漂亮的矿物标本.

17.She put her knife on the table and stared at Frank and Meggie, the corners of her beautiful mouth turning down.她把小刀放下来注视着弗兰克和麦琪,她那漂亮的嘴角耷拉下来了。

18.The drift angle greatly affects ship monoeuvres, especially when navigating in and out of the harbour.漂流角对船舶操纵,特别是对靠离码头的船舶有重要的影响。


Laser angular drift角漂

3)large drift angle大漂角

1.Heading control study of a deep manned submersible at a low speed andlarge drift angles based upon fuzzy sliding mode control;大深度载人潜水器低速大漂角模糊滑模航向控制研究

4)angle drift of laser光束角漂

5)Angle drift角度漂移

6)blanched beanstalk漂烫豆角


