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基节 pitch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 11:16:32


基节 pitch英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on the reduce of the noise in the effect of bias of kittle tooth modulus gearspitch;小模数齿轮基节偏差影响下的降噪研究


1.The scape is the first or basal segment of the antenna and is often conspicuously longer than any of the succeeding segments.柄节是触角的第一节或基节,通常明显地比以后其它各节都长。

2.The first segment of the leg of an insect or other arthropod, joining the leg to the body.基节昆虫或其他节肢动物的腿的第一节,它使腿与身体相连

3.Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals.圣诞节和复活节是基督教的节日.

4.to the Christian holidays of all Saints and All Souls Days.直至基督教节日中的万圣节和万灵节。

5.Studies on the Syllables of Contemporary Japanese Language--Basic and Extended Syllables现代日语的音节研究——基本音节与扩张音节

6.Easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。

7.Christmas Day is the biggest feast day among the Christians of the whole world圣诞节是全世界基督徒盛大的节日,

8.A Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.复活节纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日

9.Easter:a Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.复活节:纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日.

10.Christmas is one of the Christian festivals.圣诞节是基督教的节日之一。

11.A Research of Power-Saving Mechanism Based on Protecting Low-Remain Energy Nodes;基于保护低能量节点的节能机制研究

12.Identification of P2P peers based on connection patterns基于节点连接模式的P2P节点识别算法

13.The antenna of Indian meal moth is filiform and consists of two basal segments, scape and pedical, and 43-45 terminal segments of the flagellum.其触角为丝状,由基部的柄节、梗节和43~45节鞭节组成。

14.basic package of programmes [subscription television]基本节目服务〔收费电视〕

15.gene expression modulator 91基因表现调节剂91

16.Analysis and Development of the CAN Bus System基于SJA1000的CAN节点设计

17.Cadherin-11 gene and joint formationCadherin-11基因与关节形成

18.Jazz is also polyrhythmic, which means many rhythms revolve around one basic one.爵士乐也是多重节奏的,即多种节奏围绕一个基本节奏而进行。


basal ganglia基底节

1.Iinvestigation of patients of stroke inbasal ganglia accompained by dysfunction of brain stem;基底节区梗死并发脑干功能障碍初探

2.Study of perception of emotion from face in patients with stroke inbasal ganglia;基底节卒中患者面孔情绪认知障碍的研究

3.Clinical analysis of 17 children with pathological changes ofbasal ganglia;儿童基底节病变17例临床分析

3)gene regulation基因调节

1.DNA methylation plays an important role ingene regulation and animal development.DNA甲基化在基因调节和动物发育中起着重要作用。

4)regulatory subunit调节亚基

1.Theregulatory subunits can respectively bind to substrates like vimentin, ERK, Bcl-2, APC / Axin, Paxillin, SCR, CDC6, P107/Rb and so on.丝/苏氨酸磷酸酶PP2A(protein phosphatase2A)可由核心酶(core enzyme,AC)和多种不同的调节亚基B组成。

5)basal ganglia region基底节区

1.Lateral external ventricular drain with infusion of urokinase for intraventricular hemorrhage originated frombasal ganglia region;侧脑室外引流联合尿激酶灌注治疗高血压基底节区出血破入脑室

2.Aim:To learn the condition of the memory and the visual space of the patient who has suffered from the infarction inbasal ganglia region,and to analyze its impact on and the characteristics of the patients cognition.目的:了解基底节区脑梗塞(BGRI)患者发病后记忆力和视空间能力的状况,分析BGRI是否对认知功能产生影响及其特点。

3.Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect and operation method of micro-surgery with small bone flap via transsylvian fissure-insular approach on hypertensive hemorrhage ofbasal ganglia region.方法对36例基底节区高血压脑出血采取经侧裂-岛叶入路显微手术清除血肿,并与同期34例行传统骨瓣开颅患者的临床疗效进行对比。

6)Basal ganglia基底节区

1.Posttraumatic cerebral infarction of basal ganglia in infants;小儿外伤性基底节区脑梗塞

2.In 24 of the 36 cases, hemorrhage sites were found in basal ganglia with a death of 16; 4 cases were found in.其中基底节区出血24例,死亡16例;脑于出血4例,死亡3例;脑室出血3例,死亡2例,混合性出血4例,死亡3例。

3.Methods 1H-MRS in the both basal ganglia was carried out in 10 PD patients with unilateral symptoms ( Hoehn-Yahr stageⅠ) and 10 age-matched healthy control subjects.方法对 10例偏侧PD患者 (Hoehn -YahrⅠ级 )和 10例年龄匹配正常对照者双侧基底节区进行 1H -MRS检测 ,对比分析PD患者患侧肢体对侧和同侧以及正常对照者的基底节区N -乙酰基天门冬氨酸 (NAA) /肌酸复合物 (Cr)和胆碱复合物 (Cho) /Cr比值的变化。


基底节基底节basal ganglion基底神经节是大脑两半球的灰质核,藏于白质内而近于脑底,构成端脑的干部。其中包括纹状体(尾状核,豆状核)、带状核和杏仁核。
