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科学不端行为定义 definition of misconduct in science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-11 15:03:18


科学不端行为定义 definition of misconduct in science英语短句 例句大全

科学不端行为定义,definition of misconduct in science

1)definition of misconduct in science科学不端行为定义

1.Some trends in thedefinition of misconduct in science of America;论美国科学不端行为定义演变的几个趋向

2.In 1989,the Public Health Service in the United States published first formaldefinition of misconduct in science,which caused constant controversy throughout the 1990s.美国是全球范围内较早和较为系统开展科学不端行为定义研究的国家。


1.Some trends in the definition of misconduct in science of America;论美国科学不端行为定义演变的几个趋向

2.Historical Controversy on Definition of "Misconduct in Science" in America论美国“科学不端行为”定义的历史演进

3.On the Definition,Prevention and Administration of Dishonourable Behavior in Scientific Research;科研不端行为的界定及其防范与治理

4.Adopting preventive policies from the lessons of J. H. Sch■s misconduct;从J.H.Schn的科学不端行为探讨防范对策

5.Scientific Research Misconduct Cognizance and Solution in affiliated hospitals of medical college医学院校附属医院中科研不端行为的界定与管理对策

6.NSFC Should Strengthen Its Guard Against “Misconduct in Science”;中国科学基金应该加强对科学不端行为的防范

7.The NSFC Should Enhance its Guard Against Irregularities in Scientific Research;中国科学基金应加强对科学不端行为的防范

8.Chinese science in transition: misconduct in science and analysis of the causes;转型中的中国科学:科研不端行为及其诱因分析

9.A Study on How to Encourage Academic Honesty and Avoid Plagiarism in France;法国倡导科研诚信和反对学术不端行为的举措


11.Perspectives on Scientific Misconduct in Research Universities in America--Concepts,Features and Measures美国研究型大学科研不端行为——概念、特点及对策

12.Tom was suspended from school for bad conduct.汤姆因行为不端被停学。

13.Research on NSF Regulating Research Misconduct by Law美国国家科学基金会对学术不端行为的法律规制

14.The surgeon was struck off because of his immoral behaviour.那个外科医生因行为不端而被开除了。

15.Using mathematical models to study research misconduct s affection on national innovation systems;科研不端行为对我国创新研究的影响

16.How the Western Developed Countries Cope with the Scientific Research Misconduct and Its Edification for China;西方发达国家如何应对科研不端行为

17.The Characteristics of Overseas Criminal System of Administering Dishonourable Science Behaviours and Its Enlightenment for Legislation in Our Country;论国外科学不端行为刑事治理制度的特点及对我国立法的启示

18.Brief discuss of how to astrict academic dishonourable behavior of scientific and technical periodicals浅议网络环境下如何遏制科技期刊的学术不端行为


scientific misconduct科学不端行为

1.It is a special institute to investigate and deal with thescientific misconduct in America.科学求实办公室(OfficeofScientificIntegrity)是美国80年代末成立的,旨在对科学不端行为(ScientificMisconduct)进行调查和处理的专门机构。

2.Two recent high\|profile cases ofscientific misconduct in the United States by J.简要介绍了近期发生在美国贝尔实验室舍恩和LawrenceBerkeley国家实验室尼诺夫的严重科学不端行为 ,强调了物理教学中道德教育的重要

3.In our country a lot of scholars did some analysis and research on thescientific misconduct, most of which focused on the construction of scientific morality and the establishment of academic norm and lacked a comprehensive qualitative analysis and some feasible and enlightening advice.“科学不端行为”概而言之,就是“发生在科学研究领域的不正派或不好的行为”。

3)misconduct in science科学不端行为

1.Thus, themisconduct in science would harm the society than ever before.科学不端行为的存在方式在空间上具有广泛性,在时间上具有恒常性。

4)Science Misconducts科学不端行为

1.It is prevalently accepted thatScience Misconducts are in the domination of academe traditionally.传统上人们普遍认为科学不端行为是学术界管辖的事情,法律很少干预,也不能干预。

2.In the previous long period of time,Science Misconducts has always been customarily regarded as morals problem because of the independent character of the scientific research, the self-regulation system inside academia, the scientists’personal character and the non-professional trend of the scientific research.长期以来,科学研究的自主性、学术界内部的自我调整机制、科学家的个人品质以及科研的非职业化都使得人们习惯上把科学不端行为视作道德问题对待。

5)research misconduct科研不端行为

1.As the traditional defenses against misconduct failed to be effective,the US government began to veer and try to reply on the more and more seriousresearch misconduct with the institutional public policy.因传统防卫方式的失效,美国政府开始转向和尝试以制度化的公共政策来应对日趋严重的科研不端行为。

6)misconduct in science科研不端行为

1.Chinese science in transition:misconduct in science and analysis of the causes;转型中的中国科学:科研不端行为及其诱因分析

2.The author thinksmisconduct in science should belong to a"legal matter" and generalizes the forms ofmisconduct in science.科研不端行为是指违反科学共同体公认的科研行为准则的行为。


