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内迁 immigration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-24 19:33:49


内迁 immigration英语短句 例句大全




1.A Probe on Direction and Figures of Emigration of Seven Guard Stations to the West of Jiayu Pass During the Ming Dynasty明代关西七卫内迁去向和内迁人数探

2.Inland Moving Cultures and the Social Evolution of Guizhou during the War of Resistance against Japan;论抗战期间文化内迁与贵州社会的迁变

3.The tenant received three months" notice to quit.该租户接到通知,限3个月内迁出。

4.Study on the Mechanism of Inner-provinical and Inter-provincial Migration of Rural Population in China;中国农村人口省际省内迁移机制研究

5.The affection to education in Southwest China by the migration of the universities during the Anti-Japanese war;抗战时期高校内迁对西南教育的影响

6.The Culture of Inland Migration and the Social Evolution in Yunnan During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression;抗战时期内迁文化与云南社会的演进

7.Changes in the concept of nationalism爱国主义内涵的变迁

8.Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.人人在各国境内有权自由迁徙和居

9.A church would also be dismantled and moved inland.这里的一所教堂也将被拆迁到内陆去。

10.Variation of Flower s Connotation in Ci of Five Dynasties and Its Enlightenment;五代词中“花”意象内涵之变迁及其启示

11.San Miao s Southward Migration and the Happening of Yu and Xia s Legend in Hunan Province;三苗南迁与湖南境内虞夏传说的发生

12.The Research on Inland Exporter “Moving-out”;内地出口生产型企业“外迁”问题研究

13.Economic Growth Model with Endogenous Labor Migration;具有内生劳动力迁移的经济增长模型

14.On the Inner Logic of the Institutional Evolution of Securities Market in China;论中国证券市场制度变迁的内在逻辑

15.The Summarizing of the Tide of the InlandFactories Movement to Hong Kong onthe Eve of Establishment of PRC(1947-1949);建国前夕内地工厂迁港潮概述(1947~1949)

16.On the Nationlities Moving and Mixing Together in Qinghai Provience;青海境内民族迁徙与融合的几个问题

17.Changes of Moral Connotations and the 20~(th) Century Chinese Literature;德性内涵的变迁与20世纪中国文学

18.The Research of Structural Change of Domestic Capital Flow of China;我国国内资本流动的结构性变迁研究


inner hydrogen atom transfer内氢迁移

1.The transition states were found and opti- mized, and the differences between rates ofinner hydrogen atom transfer (IHAT) reactions were presented.在确定各反应体系反应物、产物稳定构象的基础上,采用B3LYP/6-31G**方法在Gaussian03程序下,对质子化的双氧/硫杂卟啉的内氢迁移(IHAT)反应进行研究,寻找并优化相应的过渡态,比较其迁移反应速率的差异。

3)intralingual transfer语内迁移

1.It can be inferred from the study that interlingual transfer andintralingual transfer are the two major causes of the error.通过对具体错误的分析,初步判断错误源于语际负迁移和语内迁移,由此,本文提出了相应的教学对策以减少这两种迁移的影响。

2.It argues thatintralingual transfer,interlin- gual transfer and acculturation models contribute to the formation of such phenomenon.从语料分析的角度探讨了语言石化的形成原因,认为语内迁移、语际迁移和文化移入都可以导致语言石化的形成,并分析了这些因素在词汇、语法、句子结构和语篇组织等层面上对中国学生英语写作产生的影响。

3.These errors could be attributed to negative transfer of Chinese,intralingual transfer and incomplete knowledge of rules concerning subordinate clauses.这些错误可能是由于母语负迁移、英语语内迁移和对从句规则没有完全掌握引起的。

4)Toward the Inland time内迁时间

5)inland immigration policy内迁政策

6)Inland Moving Cultures文化内迁

1.Inland Moving Cultures and the Social Evolution of Guizhou during the War of Resistance against Japan;论抗战期间文化内迁与贵州社会的迁变


内迁1.谓自外官调任京职。 2.迁入内地。 3.特指为调整工业布局,把沿海的一些工厂迁往内地。
