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all right用法详解

时间:2020-01-30 03:33:45


all right用法详解

习语all right等于“完全正确”吗?不!现对all right的用法作一归纳。


“Dolphin language? Tell us more .”“All right.” answered Mike.“海豚语言吗?给我们多讲点。”“行,”迈克回答道。

“Suppose we phone him up?”“All right!”“我们给他打个电话好不好?”“好!”

“Stand firm,Sam,”said Mr Pickwich,looking down.“All right,sir,”replied Mr Weller.“站稳了,山姆,”匹克威克先生回头看看下面说。“是啦,先生,”维勒先生回答。

2.表示人“身体健康的”、“健全的”,并可用在问句中表示“Are youwell?”的意思。例如:

“How are you,Jack?”“Oh,quite all right ,thank you.How about you?”“Jack,你好吗?”“啊,很好,谢谢。你呢?”

He is all right again.他的病全好了。

“All right?”“Yes, thanks, and you?”“你好吗?”“是的,很好,谢谢。你呢?”


Is it all right with you?这对你方便吗?

I’m going to use your tenspeed bicycle. Is that all right?我想用一下你的十速自行车,可以吗?

“I’m busy now. Is tomorrow all right?”“That’s all right.”“现在我忙,明天怎样?”“可以。”


“ I heard a shot,”said the man and asked,“Are you all right?”“我听到一声枪响,”那人说,接着问道:“你没事吧?”

The computer had been all right up till yesterday.直到昨天为止计算机都没出毛病。

I received your letter all right.来信收到无误。


Don’t worry. You’ll do all right, so long as you follow his advice.别发愁。只要你听从他的劝告,你会干得很好的。

Is that all right for you? I’ve done it according to your instructions.你感到满意吗?我是按您指示办的。

Things will be all right soon.形势很快会好的。


“You’ve just 10 minutes to get your train.”All right, I guess I can makeit.”“你只有10分钟时间去赶乘这班火车了。”“没关系,我想我赶得上的。”

That’s all right if you don’t have to go to the station.如果你不去车站也没关系。

It’s all right;don’t make such a fuss;there’s no harm done.不要紧,别这么大惊小怪,没伤着什么。


All right,(there’s)no need to say any more.得了,不必再说了。

All right, don’t do it if you don’t want to.好了,如你不愿意,就别做了。

All right, all right, all right, I’m just going.好了,好了,我就走。

8.用于加强语气,表示“确实”、“一定”、“一点不错”等意思。例如: “Please give your parents my regards.””All right.”“请替我向你父母问好。”“一定。”

He is our English teacher all right.一点不错,他是我们的英语老师。
