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第一句子网 > 描述电话留言的英语句子


时间:2019-07-21 15:28:18





◎您能过会儿再打来吗? Could you call back later?

= Would you mind calling back later?

◎请10分钟后再打。Please call me back in ten minutes.


= Would you call me back in ten minutes, if you don't mind? (你能10分钟以后再打来吗?)

= Would you call me back in ten minutes if possible? (你能不能10分钟以后再打来?)

◎您要给他留言吗? May I take a message?

No, thank you. (不用了,谢谢。)

= Is there any message?

= Would you like to leave a message?

= Shall I take a message?

= Could I take a message?

=Do you have any message?

= May I take a message?

◎过会儿我再打。 I'll try again later.

I'll call again in an hour. (一个小时后我再打来。)

◎能留个口信吗? Can I leave a message?

= Can I leave Mr. Smith a message? (能给史密斯先生留个口信吗?)

◎我给你打电话了,可是占线。 I called but your line was busy.

= I called but your line was engaged.


◎请告诉他林恩·凯恩给他打过电话。 Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called?

= Please tell him to call Lynn Kane. (请让他给林恩·凯恩打电话。)

◎请转告他让他给我回个电话。 Please tell him to call me.

Please have him call me back. (请让他给我打电话。)

◎他怎么跟您联系呢? How can he get a hold of you?

= How can he get in touch with you?

= How can he get in contact with you?

◎请告诉我您的电话号码。 Your number, please?

My number is 1234-1234. (我的电话号码是1234-1234。)

= What's your number?

= May I have your number?

= Could I have your number?

◎我的电话号码是1234-1234。 My number is 1234-1234.

◎请6点以前打1234-1234跟我联系。 You can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o'clock. *reach“电话联系”。

◎我再确认一下电话号码,1234-1234,对吗? Let me repeat the number. That's 1234-1234.

= The number is 1234-1234. Right? (你的号码是1234-1234,对吗?)

◎好的,我转告他您来电话了。OK. I'll tell him that you called.

= I'll give him your message. (我将转告您的口信。)

◎您的名字怎么拼? How do you spell your name?

= Could you spell your name, please?

= Would you please spell your name?

= Could you spell that? (您能拼一下您的名字吗?)

◎您开会的时候史密斯先生给您来电话了。 Mr. Smith cal
