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「日常英语口语8000句」16-8 生气时:言归于好常用口语句子

时间:2021-10-19 22:44:20


「日常英语口语8000句」16-8 生气时:言归于好常用口语句子

我们和好吧! Let"s make up.

*用make up表示“(打架等)解决,和解”。

Let"s make up. (我们和好吧!)

Yeah, let"s. (好吧。)

Let"s kiss and make up. (让我们亲吻和好吧!)

和好了吗? Did you make up?

We had a fight today. (我们今天打架了。)

Did you make up? (你们和好了吗?)

别打了! Stop fighting!

我们就不能好好谈谈吗? Can"t we talk it over?

*talk over 表示“通过相互谈话达到了相互理解”。

It"s over. Get out! (一切都结束了。给我出去!)

Can"t we talk it over? (我们就不能好好谈谈吗?)

= Can"t we work it out?

= Let"s talk it over. (我们好好谈谈这件事吧!)

你俩要好好相处。 Try to get along.

= Be nice to each other.

过去的事就让它过去吧。 Let"s forgive and forget!


Let bygones be bygones. *谚语。

糟了,让你逮着了。 You"ve got me.

Who did it? (这是谁干的呀?)

You"ve got me. (糟了,让你逮着了。)

= I give up.

= I"m beaten.

= You win.

你输了。 I"ve beaten you.

= You"ve lost.

= I won. (我赢了。)

= You"re a loser. (你是输家。)

= I"m a winner. (我是赢家。)

我无意伤害你。 I didn"t mean to hurt you.

= I meant no harm.

我很想念你。 I missed you.

我是个容易感到寂寞的人。 I get lonely easily.

你们就不能和好吗? Can"t you patch things up?

*用patch up表示“平息争吵、不和”。

Isn"t there any way you can patch things up? (就没有什么办法让你们和好吗?)

= Can"t you make up?
