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第一句子网 > 阅读理解解题技巧之主旨大意型


时间:2020-07-02 21:30:34



主 旨 大 意 型

我们阅读一篇文章,首先是要了解其大意,明确其主旨。因此,主旨大意题是常考题。一般针对某一语段或某一语篇的主题(main idea, mainly about),目的(purpose)或标题(title)设题。


1) 主题型的题干形式

The main idea of the passage is …

The passage is mainly about …

What is the passage mainly about?

Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

2) 写作目的型的题干形式

The passage is meant to …

The purpose of this article is to …

The author intends to...

What"s the purpose of the passage?

3) 标题型的题干形式

The best title for the passage might be …

Which of the following is the best title of the passage?


1) 主旨大意题属于归纳概括题。如有标题,标题中蕴含的信息往往是关键信息。

2) 找准文章的主题句是关键。“主题句定位法”是一种行之有效的方法。

3) 记叙文通常没有主题句,需根据文章所述内容进行归纳,最后概括出来的中心意思一定要涵盖全文或整个段落,切忌以偏概全或离题太远、太笼统。

4) 无明显主题句时找高频信息词.






(1) 主题句在段首



1. Lung cancer is the worst cancer killer in America . About 160,440 Americans die each year from it. More than 87 percent of lung cancers are smoking related, according to the Lung Cancer Organization.

The main idea of the passage is _____.

A. Lung cancer is the No.1 cancer killer

B. Smoking is a bad habit

C. LCO advises people to stop smoking

D. Why did people die of Lung cancer?

2. Zinc(锌)is one of about 20 elements necessary for good health. It is present in the body in a very small amount but makes it possible for important chemical actions to be carried out in cells. Scientists are just beginning to discover how zinc and other elements work.

The best title for the passage may be______.

A.A New Discovery

B.Zinc and Health

C.How Zinc Works

D.Add Zinc to Your Food

(2) 主题句在段末



1. In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work suited to his brains and ability,and secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that is very bad to be ashamed of one"s work.Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.

The passage tells us about _C__of the education.

A.the means B.the system

C.the value D.the type

2. Weather changes when the temperature and the amount of water in the atmosphere change. We can see and feel water coming from the atmosphere when we have rain. But the water must somehow get back to the atmosphere. Meteorologists call this the water cycle.

What is the main idea of the passage? __A__

A.Water cycle.

B.Water vapour.

C.How rain forms.

D.Water, vapour, rain.


为突出主题, 作者先提出主题, 结尾时再次点出主题, 这种首尾呼应的写作方式也较为多见. 通常, 前后表述主题的句子不是简单的重复, 后面的表述往往有进一步的引申或发展的意味.


(高考)Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear.Children know this very well. Fred Epstein,in his book If I Make It to Five,tells a story he heard from one of friends about Tom,a fouryearold boy with a cancer in his back bone.He came through several operations and a lot of pain by mastering his imagination

It doesn"t mean that you should dress as a superhero for you next job interview. But,next time you are tested in a way that seems impossible, imagine what it would take to overcome it. Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it in your mind first. So,let your imagination run wild,and dare to dream.

What is the purpose of the passage? ____

A.To tell us an interesting story.

B.To help us make right decisions.

C.To advise us to care about children.

D.To encourage us to use our imagination.


当主题句被安排在段中间时, 通常前面只提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出, 而后又作进一步的解释, 支撑或发展.


In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources, the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decade has seen more and more forests disappearing and globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable (可持续的)ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products.In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply of natural resources.

Today, sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries....In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown by more than 50%.

What is the main purpose of the passage? ___D___

A.To introduce a new business model.

B.To compare two business models.

C.To predict a change of the global market.

D.To advocate sustainable development.

3) 有的文章的中心思想隐含在文中(尤其是记叙文),让读者很难发现,这种情况难度较大,考生要通观全文,分清主旨细节,进行归纳推理。最后概括出来的中心意思一定要涵盖全文或整个段落,切忌以偏概全或离题太远、太笼统。解答此类题时考生需要把握作者的观点、态度、语气等,分析文章的篇章结构,抓住文章开头的主题句或文章最后的结论,捕捉与题目有关的信息,从而找出能概括文章主旨的题目和中心思想。

【典题范析】At thirteen,I was diagnosed (诊断) with a kind of attention disorder.It made school difficult for me.When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks,I could not.

In my first literature class,Mrs.Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it,all within 45 minutes.I raised my hand right away and said,“Mrs.Smith,you see,the doctor said I have attention problems.I might not be able to do it.”

She glanced down at me through her glasses,“You are no different from your classmates,young man.”

I tried,but I didn"t finish the reading when the bell rang.I had to take it home.

In the quietness of my bedroom,the story suddenly all became clear to me.It was about a blind person,Louis

Braille.He lived in a time when the blind couldn"t get much education.But Louis didn"t give up.Instead,he invented a reading system of raised dots (点),which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.

Wasn"t I the “blind” in my class,being made to learn like the “sighted”students?My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance.I completed the task within 40 minutes.Indeed,I was no different from others;I just needed a quieter place.If Louis could find his way out of his problems,why should I ever give up?

I didn"t expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs.Smith,so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day—with an “A” on it.At the bottom of the paper were these words:“See what you can do when you keep trying?”

What is the main idea of the passage? __C____

A.The disabled should be treated with respect. 非文章事实的主观臆断

B.A teacher can open up a new world to students. 片面推出的错误结论

C.One can find his way out of difficulties with efforts.

D.Everyone needs a hand when faced with challenges.某个具体细节和事实

4) 无明显主题句时找高频信息词



Sometimes you"ll hear people say that you can"t love others until you love yourself. Sometimes you"ll hear people say that you can"t expect someone else to love you until you love yourself. Either way, you"ve got to love yourself first and this can be tricky. Sure we all know that we"re the apple of our parents" eyes, and that our Grandmas think we"re great talents and our Uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics, but sometimes it"s a lot harder to think such nice thoughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge. it is time you build a positive selfimage and learn to love yourself.


The best way to defeat a passive selfimage is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is, make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do every day. Don"t allow doubts to occur in it.


The best way to get rid of a negative selfimage is to realize that your image is far from objective, and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities. Changing the way you think and working on those you need to improve will go a long way towards promoting a positive selfimage. When you can pat(拍)yourself on the back, you"ll know you"re well on your way. Good luck!

What is the passage mainly about? ___C____

A. How to prepare for your success.

B. How to face challenges in your life.

C. How to build a positive selfimage.

D. How to develop your good qualities.


