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第一句子网 > 两分钟了解经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术(TURBT)


时间:2019-12-13 13:16:27



中 文 视 频

医生建议患者进行TURBT手术。TURBT全称“经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术” 。


English Subtitles

Your doctor has recommended that you undergo a TURBT procedure.TURBT stands for “Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour”.

This animation will show youhow a typical TURBT is performed.Before the surgery, you are either givena general anesthetic, which puts you to sleep,or a regional anesthesia, which numbsthe lower part of your body.The surgery will begin shortly afterthe anesthesia starts to work.During this procedure, a thin tubecalled a “resectoscope” is insertedthrough your urethra, then into your bladder.This resectoscope has a cutting tool,a light and a camera at the end.The resectoscope is inserted through your urethra,then into your bladder.In some cases, a dye may be usedto improve tumour detection.This is a procedure also known as“photodynamic diagnosis” (PDD) cystoscopy.It enables the surgeon to see tumoursthat might not be detected otherwise.If used, the dye is introduced into the bladderone hour before the operation.This dye is absorbed by the tumour,which makes it glow red under the blue light.The surgeon is now able to locatethe tumours more easily.A cutting tool is used to remove the tumour,then heat is applied on the surrounding areaof the tumour to stop the bleeding.Now the resectoscope is pulled out.Afterwards, an irrigation catheter will be inserted in your bladder.This is to flush the bladderand to prevent blood clots.The catheter remains in placeby inflating the balloon at its tip.The catheter will be removedbefore you leave the hospital.
