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第一句子网 > 中考总复习非谓语动词(动名词下)


时间:2020-11-23 17:37:56




3.作直接宾语时,动名词与不定式在含义上的区别①forgetdoing sth.和forget to do sth.forget doing sth.意思是“忘记了曾经做过某一件事”。The old woman always forgets taking the medicine.那个老太太总是忘记已经吃过药。forget to do sth.表示“忘记了要去做某事”。The old woman always forgets to take the medicine.那个老太太总是忘记要吃药。

②rememberdoing sth.和remember to do sth.remember doing sth.意思是“记得过去曾经做过的某一件事”。I remember eating the dish before.我记得以前吃过这道菜。remember to do sth.表示“记着要去做某一件事”。I remember to eat the dish at the restaurant.我记着在这家餐馆要吃这道菜。

③stopdoing sth.和stop to do sth.stop doing sth.表示“停止正在做的某件事情”。Let"s stop working and have a rest.让我们停下手里的活,歇一会儿。stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做另一件事”。Lets stop to buy something to eat here.让我们在这里停一下买些吃的东西。

④regretdoing sth.和regret to do sth.regret doing sth.表示“后悔过去做过的某一件事情”。She regretted telling her mother the truth.她后悔把真相告诉了她的母亲。regret to do sth.意思是“对正在做的,或者是还未做的事情表示后悔”。I regret to borrow money from him.我后悔要向他借钱。

⑤want,need, require表示“需要”的意思时,后面的宾语常使用动名词或不定式的被动式。This car needs repairing.→This car needs to be repaired.这辆车需要修理一下。The road wants rebuilding.→The road wants to be rebuilt.这条道路需要重新修建。

4.动名词的常用句型①go+doingsth. 去做……go hunting 去打猎go hiking 去远足go skating 去滑雪go sightseeing 去观光

②beworth doing sth. 值得做……This film is worth seeing.这部电影值得一看。Your suggestion is worth considering.你的建议值得考虑。

③can"thelp+doing sth. 禁不住……They couldn"t help laughing when they saw him.当他们看见他时,不禁大笑起来。

④beused to+doing sth.习惯做……

His father is used to walking to his office.他父亲已习惯走路去上班。Was she used to living there?她住在那里习惯吗?

⑤It isno use(good)+doing sth. 做……没用It"s no good crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。It"s no use waiting here for her.在这里等她没有用。

⑥forgivesb. for doing sth.原谅某人做某事。prevent sb. from doing sth.避免,阻止某人做某事。They all forgave the boy for doing such a thing.他们大家都原谅了这个孩子做的事情。You must prevent the children from touching the dangerous things.你们务必不要让孩子接触危险物品。

⑦without+doingsth. 没有做……就……she kept sitting there without saying to anybody.她一直坐在那里,默不作声。Complete the following exercises without referring to the text.完成下列习题,不要看书。

⑧no+doing...表示“禁止,不准”。No parking.表示“不准停车!”No smoking.表示“请勿吸烟”
