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很现实的情感说说 句句走心 有时间读一读!

时间:2022-05-02 09:22:34


很现实的情感说说 句句走心 有时间读一读!

一、人生没有回头路,只有大路小路,直路弯路,山路水路,上坡路下坡路,每一条路都不规则,不管你选择哪一条,都是一条不归路。人生的诸多烦恼,其实源于自己。有些人在风雨飘摇中笑看风景,有些人在安乐窝里哭泣说不快乐,一切皆来自于心。There is no turning back road in life. There are only roads and alleys, straight roads and detours, mountains and rivers, uphill roads and downhill roads. Every road is irregular, no matter which one you choose, it is a no-return road.

Many troubles in life actually originate from oneself. Some people laugh at the scenery in the wind and rain, some cry and say unhappy in the safe nest, everything comes from the heart.


二、世上最牢固的感情不是“我爱你”,而是“我习惯了有你”。生活就是改变。有时痛苦,有时精彩,但大多数时候,两者兼有。The strongest feeling in the world is not "I love you", but "I am used to having you". Life is change. Sometimes painful, sometimes wonderful. But most of the time, they are both.


三、不要羡慕别人比你成熟。那是因为,一路走来,他们遇见的坏人比你多。经历了生活的跌宕起伏,看过了生命的凡来尘往,愿我们每个人都能以向日葵的精神,面朝阳光,追逐着光明,不去怨,不去恨,默默生长,默默成长,每一个日升月落的日子,都给世界,给自己一个微笑。Don"t envy others who are more mature than you. That"s because, along the way, they met more bad people than you. Having experienced the ups and downs of life, and seen all the comings and downs of life, I hope that each of us can, in the spirit of sunflower, face the sunshine, pursue the light, not to complain, not to hate, grow silently, grow silently, give the world a smile on every sunrise and sunset day.


四、致自己,人生八苦,少一苦,不为人生,多一苦,不为佛道,后世看人,前世看景,没有多少人待人如初,也没有多少人相见恨晚,一切遇见是天意。To myself, life is eight hardships, less one hardship, not life, more one hardship, not Buddhism and Taoism, future generations, past generations, not many people treat others as before, not many people hate late meeting, all meet is God"s will.


五、感情的事,不是一朝一夕,也不是一时半刻,有多人的离去,是因为不被在意,有多少情的放弃,是因为不被珍惜。谁都想谈一场不分手的恋爱,因为嫁给了爱情,就相当于谈了一辈子的恋爱,想到这儿,我就觉得好甜好甜。Emotional matters, not overnight, not a moment and a half, many people leave, because they are not cared about, how many feelings of abandonment, because they are not cherished. Everyone wants to talk about a love without breaking up, because marrying love is equivalent to talking about love for a lifetime. Think of it here, I feel sweet and sweet.


六、 失恋也许是好的,如再也给我太多的温馨,那只是一片苍凉的掩饰,单薄的背影夹满悲伤的悲寂,独自一人的时候,总是会有些任性的念想在翻飞,就像风浪之中飘摇的船只。Lovelorn may be good, if you give me too much warmth, it"s just a desolate cover, thin back filled with sad silence, when alone, there will always be some capricious miss flying, like a boat waving in the wind and waves.


七、有时候疏远不是讨厌,而是太喜欢又很无奈,我不想抱着期望等待落空,只好假装大方自己先走。别等爱你的人都走了,你才想起来珍惜,世界上没有后悔药,一旦错过了,日后就算你再主动,人家也提不起热情,没有谁会无条件对你好,因为爱都是相互的。Sometimes alienation is not annoying, but too fond and helpless. I don"t want to wait for failure with expectations, so I have to pretend to be generous and go first.

Don"t wait for the people who love you to leave, you will remember to cherish, there is no regret medicine in the world, once missed, even if you take the initiative in the future, people will not be able to mention enthusiasm, no one will treat you unconditionally, because love is mutual.


八、身边的人,都有各自的生活,我再也回不到从前形影不离的温暖。这个时候,眼泪会聚集眼眶,在转身的一瞬间,破裂成行。Everyone around us has their own lives, and I can never return to the warmth that always existed before. At this time, tears will gather in the eyes, in the moment of turning around, burst into line.


九、这一生爱过多少人,犯过多少错,又经历过多少起孚,芸过几多人情世味,她永远都是一杯淡雅,那素净的芬芳在每个人心中久久地索绕,无法散去。这世上,不是只有烈酒才能碎人,不是只有热恋才会刻骨,一份清淡,更能历久弥香,一种无意,更让人魂牵梦蔡;一段约,更可以维系一生。In this life, how many people have loved, how many mistakes have been made, how many people have experienced ups and downs, and how many people have been in love with the world.

She will always be a cup of elegant tea, the pure fragrance in everyone"s heart for a long time, can not be dispersed. In this world, not only spirits can break people, not only passionate love can carve bones, a light, more lasting fragrance, a kind of unintentional, more soul-stirring Cai; a brief, more life-long.


十、任何时候都可以开始做自己想做的事,请不要用年龄和其他东西来束缚自己,年龄从来不是界限,除非你自己拿来为难自己。You can start doing what you want at any time. Please don"t tie yourself to age and other things. Age is never the limit unless you make it difficult for yourself.


十一、有时候我们原谅一个人,有多少个是能真心原谅,说白了只是不想失去他,藏在心中的每一根刺,但愿能随着时光流逝而被慢慢磨平,毕竟是我爱的人,我能够怪你什么。Sometimes we forgive a person, how many of them can sincerely forgive, just don"t want to lose him, hidden in the heart of each thorn, I hope that with the passage of time and slowly smooth, after all, is my lover, I can blame you for what.



The process of frustration is the most difficult, the birth of various conjectures, hidden expectations in the heart, has been modifying their own bottom line, until the cold tea, disappointed, had to choose to say goodbye.



Life is very simple. Today is tomorrow. Everyone has two selves: one is external, social and transfigured; the other is inner, essential and real selves, that is, the soul. Two of them need to talk. If they are separated for too long, for too long, all they have left is a person who runs around the earth and is alienated by society.


十四、人生的精彩,就是在无奈中活得更精彩,在承受里能更承受。用一点一滴的努力,成就明天的花开。不妨先做出点成绩,然后再去强调你的感受,否则,生命中只有唧唧歪歪,怎么看都像是矫情。The splendor of life is to live more splendidly in helplessness and bear more in endurance. With a little bit of effort, achieve tomorrow"s blossom. You might as well make some achievements first, and then emphasize your feelings, otherwise, life is only crooked, how to look like a falsehood.


十五、生活还要继续,我们还得赶路,行囊太重,不能带上负能量。下一程,阴霾散尽,海阔天空,我们终会遇见阳光!善良要有底线,大方要有原则。不分青红皂白,只知道对人好,那会辜负自己的一片好心。Life goes on. We have to go ahead. We have to pack too much bags to carry negative energy. Next way, the haze disappears, the sea and the sky, we will eventually meet the sunshine! Kindness needs a bottom line and generosity needs principles. Be indiscriminate, only know to be good to others, that will fail to live up to one"s own good intentions.



People who live well have no time to pay attention to other people"s lives and no energy to immerse themselves in past injuries. All the experiences of a good person in the past are meaningful to him. Even the scar is to remind him to stay away from those who are likely to hurt you and not fall twice in the same place.


十七、所有少年时期经历过的一草一木,在任何时候都会非常亲切地保留在一个人的记忆里中,并且一想起来就叫人甜蜜得鼻子发酸。Every tree and grass that we have experienced in our youth will be kept in one"s memory at any time, and it will make our nose sour when we think of it.
