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大众艺术网:新作 · 人类的危机——意大利雕塑家 Willy Verginer 关注环境

时间:2020-07-02 16:45:37


大众艺术网:新作 · 人类的危机——意大利雕塑家 Willy Verginer 关注环境

新作 · 人类的危机

—— 意大利雕塑家 Willy Verginer 关注环境新作及代表作品欣赏

Willy Verginer Comments On Environmental Issues Using Delicately Made Sculptures From Tree Trunks

July 2, by Stephanie Young

With razor-like precision sculptor Willy Verginer creates figures from a single tree trunk. He carves delicately made pieces which speak and brings to light important issues affecting living things. His latest delves deep into the environmental concerns of crude oil. Instead of overly stating the obvious Verginer makes subtle references to its affect. He places his latest figures including animals and people atop barrels of crude oil. Since oil is liquid the artist purposefully depicts the figures beginning to become stained or contaminated by the substance. This is graphically shown around their feet, hooves or paws and also in their faces. In some he will paint the base on which the figure stands in silver or gold signifying the value placed on the highly valued commodity which is gotten through sacrifice of both creature and environment. When a human figure is used he shows the gold or silver seeping into their shoes or clothes which signifies man"s greed.

The one lingering fact about crude oil responsible for almost every aspect of modern day living is that it is highly toxic and carcinogenic in every form. When it is burned the smoke it produces causes black soot in the air which gets captured in our lungs. If oil is accidentally spilled into the ocean it will kill fish and other sea life almost instantly. As we learn more about its ill effects scientists are looking to provide more alternative ways to produce power which include solar and wind energy. (via hifructose)

大众艺术网:新作 · 人类的危机——意大利雕塑家 Willy Verginer 关注环境新作及代表作品欣赏
