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如何区分宾语从句 定语从句 状语从句 一篇文章就够了

时间:2022-10-16 09:39:47


如何区分宾语从句 定语从句 状语从句 一篇文章就够了







that: I"m looking forward it that he will forgive me. 我期待他会原谅我。

Whether/if: I want to know if (whether) he lives there.我想知道他是否住在这儿。

what: You can choose what you like. 你可以选择你喜欢的。

where: I wonder where she lives. 我想知道她住在哪里。


1、与or not连用

I can"t say whether or not they will help him. 我不能说他们会不会帮助他。


I"m thinking of whether we should help him. 我在考虑我们是否应该帮助他。

3、与动词不定式(to do)连用

He doesn"t know whether to accept the invitation. 他不知道是否要接受邀请。



I wants to know what she has to take an examination.我想知道她有没有参加考试。


he said that he was a student. 他说他是一个学生。

he said that he would fly to Canada in a week. 他说他要飞到加拿大一个星期。

She said that she had finished her homework already. 她说她已经完成了她的作业。


My father said that the earth goes round the sun. 我父亲说地球绕着太阳转。





指人先行词:who /that








1、This is the actor whom/who we like best. 这是我们最喜欢的演员。

2、I don"t like the women to whom you are talking.我不喜欢和你说话的女人。

whose : 指人或物,作定语,表示 "…的"

Mary is the girl whose father is our English teacher. 玛丽这个女孩的爸爸是我们的英语老师。



This is the first book that my brother bought me.这是我哥哥买给我的第一本书


This is the most exciting film that I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的最激动人心的电影。

3、先行词为不定代词something, anything,nothing,everything等时

Is there anything that you want in the room. 在房间里有什么是你想要的


The writer and his work that you told me are really famous. 他和他的作品让我知道他真的很出名。

5、先行词被the very/the only/the same/the last等修饰时

She is the only girl who has got a prize. 她是唯一一个获奖的女孩。


Who is the man that is standing there? 站在那里的那个人是谁?








When I play the piano, she sang.当我弹琴时,她唱歌。

when: "正在……的时候",突然… 通常主句是进行时。

He is walking along the street , when he met her. 当他正在街上走时,突然遇见她。

when 当从句是进行时,主句是一般时,往往表示不满。

Someone knocked at the door when I was eating lunch. 有人敲门的时候我正在吃午餐。


While we were in Japan, we saw her twice. 我们在日本那段时间见到她两次。


We are doing homework while they are watching TV. 我们正在做家庭作业时,他们正在看电视。

As:"一边……一边", 随着

He was doing her homework as he was eating lunch. 他一边做作业一边吃午饭。


As she was going out, it began to rain. 在她外出时,就开始下雨了。

The moment:"一……就……"=as soon as , immediately

Did you remember to give Tom the money you owed him? 你记得给汤姆你欠他的钱?

Not… until:"直到……才"

He didn"t leave room until he finished the work. 他并没有离开房间,直到他完成了这项工作。


The passengers should arrive at the airport an hour before the flight departs.


After:"在…… 之后"

The women left the ticket counter after she had a quarrel with the ticket agent.女人离开了售票柜台后与售票员争吵。

Since:"自从……", 通常主句用现在完成时

I have never been there again since I leave Japan. 我从来没有去过那里自从我离开日本

As soon as :"一……就……"

Danielle went to the toilet as soon as she slept in there.丹尼尔一上厕所就在里面睡觉。

No sooner than:"一……就……"

no sooner… than… 用于句首要求倒装

Hardly …when…、Scarcely …when…

No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.他一到达就又走了。

Once :"一但……就……"

Once you see her, you will never forget her. 一旦你看到她,你将永远不会忘记她。

Every time, each time 每次whenever 每当

Each time he came to town, he would visit my grandmother. 每次他来到镇上,他将拜访我的祖母。

2. 条件状语从句


If如果, unless除非, as long as只要, As (so) far as --- 据……所知,in case万一, provided that假如, on condition that若是,以…为条件


If you don"t hurry up, you will going to be late. 如果你不快点,你将会迟到。

Unless:如果不, 除非=if not

We can"t get there on time unless we start early. 我们不能准时到达那里,除非我们早点出发。

As long as : 只要

We will succeed as long as we keep on trying. 我们会成功的,只要我们继续努力。

As (so) far as: 据……所知

As far as I know, he is the best students in this school. 据我所知,他是这所学校最好的学生。

In case: 假使, 如果

She cannot come here in case it rains.如果下雨了她就不能来。

Provided that 如果,有时省略 that

The plane will be in good condition provided that it is taken care of carefully.如果细心对待飞机设备,飞机状态会很好。

3. 地点状语从句

地点状语从句只有两个连词: Where, wherever


Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

Wherever --- 无论哪里

Wherever you are, I will waiting for you. 无论你在哪里,我都会你。

4. 原因状语从句

because, as, since, now that, 和considering that, seeing that 这六个连词都用于表示表示原因, 但在语气上一个比一个弱.


Carrie was very angry because she couldn"t find her ring. 嘉莉很生气,因为她找不到她的戒指。

As:"因为", 通常放在句首

As she is honest and beautiful, all her friends like her.因为她诚实漂亮,她所有的朋友都喜欢她。

Since"既然" 因语气较弱, 常译为既然(众所周知的原因)

Since everyone has come, we can leave out. 既然每个人都来了,我们可以离开了。

Now that : 既然

Now that you are here, we can continue. 既然你在这里,我们可以继续了。

considering that : 顾及到

Considering you all don"t know, let me tell you. 考虑到你都不知道,让我告诉你。

seeing that --- 由于

Seeing (that) quite a few people were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.


5. 结果状语从句

引导结果状语从句的连词有:that, so that, so…that…

such…that So… that:"太……以至于"so 后面应用形容词或副词, 有时省略so只用that

Boeing 747 is so large that people like to call it jet bomb. 波音747是如此之大,人们喜欢称它为飞机炸弹。

So that :"因而,以便,为了"有时so 可以省去

Speak louder please so that the people at the back can hear you. 请大点声,这样后面的人才能听到你。

Such …that:"太……以至于" 用法与so…that相同,但such 后面应用名词。

He was such a fast speaker that nobody could understand him. 他说话太快以至于没人能听懂。

6. 目的状语从句

引导目的状语从句的主要连词有: that, so that, in order that, for fear that, lest

(So) that:"以便", 从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:can, could, may, might, should等

Let"s sit down (so) that the back of the people to see.让我们坐下,以便后面的人看见。

in order that :"为了,"与so that 相同从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如:can, could, may, might, should等

School was opend early in order that the children might study ahead.学校早点开门为了让孩子早点学习。

for fear that:"生怕"; 为了防止(某事发生)

He took the name down for fear that he should forget it.他记下名字以免忘记。

in case:"万一"

You should told him in case he forget. 你应该告诉他,以防他忘记。

Lest :"以防万一"

The man decided to tell his boss the fact lest he would be angry with him.

7. 让步状语从句

引导让步状语从句的连词有:Although, though, as, even if, even though, no matter, however, whatever, while, whether.

although, though:"虽然"although 和though 可以互换,但although 一般放句首。Though用于倒装。

Although it was raining, he came on time. 虽然在下雨,但他准时来。

Though he did his best, he didn"t succeed. 虽然他尽了全力,但他没有成功。

as:"尽管" as 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装。可与though 互换。

Busy as he is, he never missed the child"s birthday.尽管他很忙碌,他从来没有错过了孩子的生日。

even if /even though :"即使"

Even if you don"t like that girl, you should not bullying her. 即使你不喜欢那个女孩,你不应该欺负她。

however:"不论", however 引导让步状语从句时,句子通常倒装

She couldn"t attend the wedding on time however fast she drove.不论她开车多快都无法准时参加婚礼。

No matter (what, when, where, how) :无论(什么,何时,何地,怎样)

He wouldn"t return the book to me no matter how hard I begged him. 他不会把书还给我不论多么我努力的恳求他。


Whatever other people may say, he won"t change his mind. 不管别人怎么说,他不会改变他的想法。


While you are right, I can"t believe it.尽管你说得对,我也不会相信的。

whether :"不管",常与or not 连用

Whether he is good or not, we all respect him very much. 不管他是否优秀,我们都很尊敬他。

8. 方式状语从句

方式状语从句常由: as, as if, as though

as :与…… 一样

Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗。(你在罗马就和罗马人的生活习惯一样)

as if, as though:"仿佛", 由as if或 as though引导的从句中可用虚拟语气

She stood at the door as if (=as though) she were waiting for someone. 她站在门口好像在等人。

