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时间:2020-07-05 19:27:07



Justin Bieber and wife Hailey have just added an adorable new furry friend to their family.贾斯汀·比伯和妻子海莉的家里刚添了一个可爱的毛茸茸的新成员。The singer took to his Instagram Story on Sunday to introduce the world to his brand new kitten, Sushi, who he and Hailey adopted on Saturday.这位歌手周日在他的Instagram Story账号上向大家介绍了他和海莉周六新领养的猫咪Sushi。The family"s new feline, who appears to be a Savannah, playfully leaped and frolicked on Justin"s bed as he reclined under his blanket and watched TV in one of the two videos he posted to social media.这个家庭新的猫咪成员好像是热带草原猫。他在社交网站上上传了两段视频,其中一个视频中比伯裹着毯子看电视,猫咪在比伯床上跳来跳去。

He also shared an adorable clip of Sushi running around their living room, which gave his 117 million followers the best look at the precious new pet.他还分享了一段Sushi的可爱视频,它在客厅里跑来跑去,让他1.17亿粉丝好好欣赏了这个珍贵的新宠物。Bieber took to Instagram to tease the adoption, sharing a cartoon of the cute kitty he would soon be welcoming.比伯在Instagram上调侃了领养的事,分享了他很快要领养的可爱猫咪的漫画。"I"m getting a cat tomorrow and The name will be sushi," the singer wrote gleefully in the caption. "Thanks guys! I can call her sooosh Magooosh and I"m very happy about it. I can also in a baby voice call her TOOSHIEEE BUM BUM or . Shooshi wowl .. read it outloud how it"s spelt . Also sushi Poo.. or just TUNA."这位歌手兴高采烈地写道:“我明天要养猫了,名叫sushi。谢谢大家!我可以叫它sooosh Magooosh,对此我很开心。我还可以用婴儿的声音叫它TOOSHIEEE BUM BUM或者Shooshi wowl,大声读一读是怎么拼的,也可以叫它sushi Poo..,或者就叫它TUNA。”

While the pair seem super overjoyed by their adorable new pet, it seems that Bieber has interest in being more than a pet parent in the future.虽然这对夫妻养这个可爱的新宠物特别开心,但貌似比伯未来还不只是想做宠物的爸爸。Back in July, the singer hinted at wanting to start a family in a sweet Instagram post.在7月份这个歌手就在Instagram上发了一个甜蜜的帖子,暗示想要组建家庭。"Love dates with you baby," Justin captioned a shot of him and Hailey at Disneyland. "One day I"ll be doing daddy daughter dates….. not hinting at anything soon I’m not in a rush. I just wanna enjoy you by yourself for a while!"比伯在他和海莉在迪士尼拍的照片上写道“喜欢和你约会,宝贝。总有一天我要来个爸爸和女儿的约会。我不是在暗示最近会发生什么事,我不着急,我还想继续享受我们的二人世界呢。”







