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第一句子网 > 根据句子的意思和括号里的中文提示以及首字母 写出下列的单词。要求写出完整单词。

根据句子的意思和括号里的中文提示以及首字母 写出下列的单词。要求写出完整单词。

时间:2023-06-17 17:11:32


根据句子的意思和括号里的中文提示以及首字母  写出下列的单词。要求写出完整单词。


根据句子的意思和括号里的中文提示以及首字母, 写出下列的单词。要求写出完整单词。

【小题1】 The Greek financial difficulties would not be easily oovercome(战胜).

【小题2】The single mother is sstruggling(奋力) to bring up her child alone.

【小题3】 We all iintend(打算)to have DIY decorations, but our cupboards will be made by a carpenter.

【小题4】The new credit cards will be of great bbenefit(利益) to our customers.

【小题5】 Most of the compositions written by the students were very good iindeed(真正地).

【小题6】 I can say to the governor that he misunderstood / misread / misconceived / misjudged / (误解)the order and tried to defend himself.

【小题7】 He was a little boy, but he behaved/ acted/ conducted/ did/(行为表现)as if he was an adult.

【小题8】The government’s actions are contrary/opposed/ opposite/ different/ conflicting/(相违的)to the public interest.

【小题9】Unlike(不像)most people in the office, I don’t come to work by car.

【小题10】He created a new system/design/arrangement(体系)of teaching foreign languages.


解析: 略

根据句子的意思和括号里的中文提示以及首字母 写出下列的单词。要求写出完整单词。【小题1】 The Greek financial difficulties would not b
