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单词拼写(每题 1 分 共计10 分)根据首字母或汉语提示 拼写出单词的正确形式

时间:2020-02-15 17:01:53


单词拼写(每题 1 分 共计10 分)根据首字母或汉语提示 拼写出单词的正确形式


单词拼写(每题 1 分,共计10 分)


1. Those who bbetray their countries will be hated by all the people.

2. After getting to the 8th floor, he ppaused for a while and then continued climbing.

3. Don be so ggreedy -- leave some of the food for the rest of us.

4. Armed cconflict is likely to break out between the two countries.

5. I felt gguilty about forgetting my mom’s birthday.

6. Natural gas is one of clean and environmentally friendly resources (资源).

7. They are still sitting on the sofa , absorbed(沉浸)in conversation..

8. It is mankind’s responsibility(责任)to find solution that are acceptable for everyone and everything .

9. We started shouting at each other and he accused(指责)me of some really bad things just to hurt me.

10. Nowadays, many people blame(d)(归咎于)the climate change on gases such as carbon dioxide.



单词拼写(每题 1 分 共计10 分)根据首字母或汉语提示 拼写出单词的正确形式 并将答案写在答题纸相应题号的横线上。1. Those who bbetray their coun
