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One day last summer watching the boys and girls trying to catch butterflies I remembered

时间:2018-11-26 00:29:46


One day last summer  watching the boys and girls trying to catch butterflies I remembered


One day last summer, watching the boys and girls trying to catch butterflies I remembered something happened when I was young.When I was a boy of 12 in South Carolina, something happened to me that cured me forever of wanting to put any wild creature in a cage.

We lived on the edge of a wood, and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. No musician can sing more beautiful than the birds. I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and in that way would have my own private musician.

I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, the bird flied about the cage, but eventually it settled down in its new home. I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my tiny musician.

I had left the cage out, and on the second day my new pet’s mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.

The following morning when I went to see how my bird was doing, I discovered it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was shocked! What had happened! I had taken good care of my little bird.

Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist, happened to be visiting my father at the time, hearing me crying over the death of my bird, explained what had occurred. “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison berries. She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in cage.”

Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.

【小题1】Why did the writer catch a mockingbird when he was a boy of 12?A.He had just got a new cage.B.He liked its beautiful feather.C.He wanted a pet for a companion.D.He wanted it to sing for him.【小题2】The mockingbird died because it . A.drank the poisonous water by mistakeB.was frightened to deathC.refused to eat anythingD.ate the poisonous food its mother gave it【小题3】An ornithologist probably means .A.a religious personB.a kind personC.an expert in birdsD.a schoolmaster【小题4】What is the most important lesson the writer learned from the incident?A.Freedom is very valuable to all living things. B.All birds put in a cage won’t live long.C.You should keep the birds from their mother.D.Be careful about food you give to baby birds.D




【小题1】D 细节题。根据地2段最后2行I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and in that way would have my own private musician. 可知D正确

【小题2】D 细节题。根据地6段最后2行“A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison berries. She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in cage.”可知D正确。

【小题3】C 推理题。根据倒数第二段内容可以推断这个人对鸟类的知识很了解,他可能是鸟类的专家。

【小题4】A 推理题。根据文章最后一段可知A正确。作者认为对于生物来说自由是最重要的.
