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第一句子网 > 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释 在相应的横线上写出各单词的正确形式。【小题1】He was

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释 在相应的横线上写出各单词的正确形式。【小题1】He was

时间:2021-06-29 10:11:23


根据下列句子及所给汉语注释 在相应的横线上写出各单词的正确形式。【小题1】He was



【小题1】He was deeply impressed (留下印象) by his speech.

【小题2】As we know, there are seven continents (大洲) in the world.

【小题3】We were convinced (使…相信) that the film was worth seeing.

【小题4】Please observe (观察) the two pants carefully and tell me the differences.

【小题5】The heroes in his novel were based (以……为基础)on the workers here.

【小题6】He suggested the classrooms should be equipped (配以设备) with computers.

【小题7】Look at the kite. It’s floating (漂浮) on the surface of the water.

【小题8】The boy apologized (道歉) to his teacher for being late for class yesterday.

【小题9】All these rules will benefit(使…受益)everyone here.

【小题10】Football is played throughout (遍及)the world.

【小题11】You can consult (咨询) your teacher if you have problems with your study.

【小题12】 New Zealand is Surrounded (包围)by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east.

【小题13】Kids should be protected(保护)from all that violence.

【小题14】“I don’t like the film,” he whispered (低语) to me.

【小题15】 It is good manners to show respect(尊重)to the old.




【小题2】continents名词:大陆continent; seven后面要接复数形式。



【小题5】based固定词组:以…为基础be based on…

【小题6】equipped固定词组:配备着…be equipped with…




【小题10】throughout固定词组:全世界throughout the world



【小题13】protected固定词组:保护…不受伤害;protect sb from…;本题是被动语态。

【小题14】 whispered动词:低声说wisper;本句是过去时。

【小题15】respect 固定词组:尊敬show respect to…

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释 在相应的横线上写出各单词的正确形式。【小题1】He was deeply impressed (留下印象) by his speech.【小题2】As
