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单词拼写(根据首字母或中文意思写出单词 共10题 满分10分)【小题1】The dark

时间:2021-03-08 22:53:07


单词拼写(根据首字母或中文意思写出单词 共10题 满分10分)【小题1】The dark



【小题1】The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me eentirely in their power.

【小题2】Later in the next century, people from England made vvoyages to conquer other parts of the world.

【小题3】Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she ppersuadedme to buy one.

【小题4】These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its vvocabulary.

【小题5】I don’t want to set down a sseries of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend.

【小题6】He ignored (忽视) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette.

【小题7】He used to work outdoors (在户外) even in the middle of winter.

【小题8】A large number of people speak English fluently because English is an official (官方的) language there.

【小题9】The train arrived at exactly (确切地) 8 o’clock, neither earlier nor later.

【小题10】The play examines the problems and pressures facing teenagers (青少年) today.




【小题2】考查词组:make voyages航海



【小题5】考查词组:a series of一系列的

【小题6】根据句意和汉语提示:忽视 ,用ignored 和lit并列


【小题8】考查形容词:official官方的,an official language一种官方语言



单词拼写(根据首字母或中文意思写出单词 共10题 满分10分)【小题1】The dark rainy evening the wind the thundering clou
