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第一句子网 > The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth a nation loses in times of disaste

The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth a nation loses in times of disaste

时间:2020-12-29 16:57:33


The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth a nation loses in times of disaste


The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth a nation loses in times of disaster will be made up for by her progress

A. that what

B. what

C. that

D. what that


(答案→)A. that what

B. what

C. that

D. what that

解析:本题句子结构比较复杂,“ a nation loses in times of disaster will be made up for by her progress”做a truth的同位语从句,同位语从句中 a nation loses in times of disaster为主语从句。本句共有两个从句,故有两个引导词。句意为“中华民族的经验证明了一个真理,即,一个民族在灾难中失去的,必将从民族的进步中得到补偿。
