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帮忙解析一篇英语短文Stress in lifeAs everyone knows stress i

时间:2019-03-07 16:18:31


帮忙解析一篇英语短文Stress in lifeAs everyone knows stress i


帮忙解析一篇英语短文Stress in lifeAs everyone knows,stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.As the pace of modern life continues to increase,we are always feeling on the go fro



1As everyone knows 这个表达方式很常见,也可以用 as we all konw 来替代,这样呢,可以多一个单词,如果在写作文时后觉得自己达不到字数要求的话,就推荐这个.

2and there is no way to avoid it. 这个呢,个人认为这个句子其实表达效果上不是很如人意,可以重新开起一个句子,如 However ,there is obviously no way to aviod it.这样呢,就强调了压力的无处不在呢.

3As the pace of modern life continues to increase,这个呢,个人呢,也可以提供一个更好的表达方式,即 with the increasing of the pace of modern life ,有时候,这样的表达方式会更出彩,使得文章的句子结构更为丰富.

4on the go 忙个不停

5goes hand in hand with 这个在这里表达的不甚好,这个通常指代的是好事物,建议改用,Therefore,stress dogs with us in this competitve society . dog 本来是名词,在这个句子中活用为动词,意为像狗一样紧紧跟着,有嫌弃的意思在里面,很符合对压力的感觉.

6 Different people, however, think of stress quite differently.这个句子很明显很直白,没有用到任何比较出彩的句式机构和表达,建议选用,different people,however ,hold totally different views about stress.

hold views about 对什么持有什么看法.

7 Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.这个句子有点表达的不是很清楚,宜改为,Some people believe stress is not a bad thing and some even think there is supposed to have stress.

8They are of the opinion 这个原意可能是想表达,他们持有这样观点是因为但是,这个不是很恰当,建议是,They stand for this opinion because ,

stand for 支持

9others agrue ,这个表达方法很好,以后在些类似的文章的时候不妨采用

10 contribute to 有助于,有益于

11According to them ,最好改成,According to these ideas

12According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body. 这个句子在某种意义上是没有用的,因为整个文章的主题是压力,所以可以不要

13 Personally,其实是个很好的表达,但是,还是老话,如果要想字数多一点,或者说是更出彩一点的话,那就可以用 As for me , as my money 就我看来的话.

14 in favor of the former view 这个view 可以改为one ,这样是文章不是那么冗杂的感觉

15 I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. 这个句子拉得篇幅太过于长了些,应该用作.it is impossible for anyone to avoid stress if he was devoting hisself to the carrer he pursues. 用 it is 的句型避免了这个句子看起来头重脚轻.

16it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health

