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传帮带 pass on experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-15 19:07:47


传帮带 pass on experience英语短句 例句大全


传帮带,pass on experience

1)pass on experience传帮带


1.Making reports is in itself a way of passing our experience on and of helping and guiding people.作报告本身就是传帮带。

2.Do a good job in passing on one"s experience, giving help and setting an example for young teachers作好对青年教师传帮带的工作

3.We should pass our experience on to them, help them and guide them, but not order them about.要注意起传帮带的作用,而不是去发号施令。

4.Now it is necessary to raise it again, because one of the most valuable things we can do in helping and guiding the young and middle-aged cadres and passing on our experience to them is to make them understand the necessity of observing discipline.要重申这个问题,这是传帮带的主要内容之一。

5.Strengthen the Passing-on of Experience,and Set up Teachers Groups Based on the Discipline Group;基于学科群建立强化传帮带的讲课教师团队

6.So we veteran comrades must attend seriously to the selection of successors and we must help and guide the younger cadres and pass on our experience to them.所以,我们这些老同志,要认真选好接班人,抓紧搞好传帮带。

7.Old cadres should support the young and middle aged cadres in their work and take upon the task of helping and guiding the latter and passing on experience to them老干部应支持中青年干部的工作,担负起传帮带的任务

8.Our cadres, veteran cadres in particular, should take Comrades Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai as their models and pass on their experience and help and guide the young and middle-aged.我们的干部,特别是老干部,要以毛泽东同志、周恩来同志为榜样,用实际行动搞好传帮带。

9.Young cadres can become worthy successors provided we select the right candidates, pass on our experience, help and guide them, and give them better training in our schools.年轻干部只要选得准,搞好对他们的传帮带,加强学校的培养,是能够接好班的。

10.In the past, shoulder sling had been used to correct shoulder subluxation.传统式肩带虽然可帮助矫正肩部脱臼。

11.She helped the child loose the laces of his shoes.她帮孩子解开鞋带。

12.a flat-heeled sandal with an upper of woven leather straps.平底、条带鞋帮便鞋。

13.Just a minute! Let me put your tie straight.请等等! 我帮你正正领带.

14.I don"t know how to operate the teleprinter, would you please help me?我不知如何使用电传机,你能帮帮我吗?

15.A low-cut sports shoe with fringed laces.低帮无舌运动鞋有流苏饰带的一种低帮运动鞋

16.Synchronous belt drives-PulleysGB/T11361-1989同步带传动带轮

17.second drive belt带中间皮带的传送装置

18.a global advocacy video;全球宣 传录像带;


help and strap帮带

3)elastic gore鞋帮松紧带

4)upper lacing machine鞋帮缀带机


6)Help me with this tie, will you?帮我打领带 好吗


