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时间:2024-04-23 09:38:21






1.Analysis of reinforced concreteslabs subjected to pure torsion;钢筋混凝土板式构件抗扭机理分析

2.This paper presents a procedure for calculating the torsional rigidity of under-reinforced concreteslabs.该文对适筋纯扭板式构件的抗扭刚度进行了研究。



2.Study on Mechanical Capability of Modular Tubular Falsework Joined by Couplers;扣件式钢管模板支撑架结构力学性能研究

3.The Design of Formwork in the Large Span Concrete Structure with Fastener-Style Steel Pipe System;大跨砼结构中扣件式钢管模板支架设计

4.The web perforation is a new formation in the cold-formed thin-walled steel members.腹板开孔是冷弯薄壁构件中一个较新的构造形式。

ponents of bracket, work faceplete and driving backboard are strong in a frame structure with strong anti-seismic, good stability and no shaking.机架和工作面板、传动底板构件墩厚,框架式结构,稳定性好,高速运行平稳不抖动。

6.riveted plate-and-angle member角钢与钢板铆接构件

7.double type printed circuit board connector双件式印制板连接器

8.flat plate module平板式组件 -太阳电池

9.The horizontal bed is the foundation member which supports the headstock, tailstock, and carriage.卧式床身是基础构件,用来支承床头箱、尾座和拖板。

10.Effect of preparation conditions on morphology and structure of platelet CNF制备工艺条件对板式纳米碳纤维形貌和结构的影响

11.Global Stress Analysis of High Formwork Support System of Fastener-Style Steel Pipe for Cast-In-Place Concrete Structure;混凝土结构扣件式钢管模板高支撑体系整体受力分析

12.The Discussion on the Width-thickness Ratio of the Plate of the Steel Structure Workshop with Comparatively Heavy Cranes关于大吨位吊车门式刚架钢结构厂房板件宽厚比控制的讨论

13.You cannot save a template file to non-template format.无法将模板文件保存为非模板格式。

14.Thick Plate Weld Technique in the Large-Scale Steel Framed of Plant Building厂房大型钢结构厚板构件的焊接技术

15.Driving system consists of gearwheel box, universal shaft coupling and arc-gear synchronous belt, The driving mechanical parts are installed at the bottom, so it can avoid vibration.传动系统采用齿轮箱、万向轴联轴器、圆弧齿同步带相结合型式,传动构件安装在底板,避震性好。

16.Experimental study on the seismic behavior of embedded anchors for the single-plate connection between steel truss and concrete wall钢桁架与混凝土墙间单剪板连接预埋件构造形式的抗震性能试验研究

17.The Component-based Distributed Software Architecture and Its Development;基于构件的分布式软件体系结构开发

18.Technical specification for prefabricated concrete products预制混凝土构件模板技术规程


plate component薄板构件

1.In order to test aviationplate component,a special probe is needed.为了检测航空薄板构件的裂纹,需要设计专用表面波探头。

3)component template构件模板

1.A 3-D design method is presented with intuitionistic conceptions,easy operations and high efficiency,includingcomponent template design based on characteristic parameters,architectural layered component layout—automatic composition method and 3-D visual assistant.提出一种概念直观、操作简便、效率高的三维设计方法,包括基于特征参数的构件模板设计、基于平面图的建筑物分层构件布局———整体自动组合方法及三维立体图可视辅助方法。

2.Furthermore, the thesis expounds component-based development method and process on ARM9 and WinCE platform using the ECMW and studies the structure and composition ofcomponent template derived from ECMW to guide and regulate the development or component reuse.分析了ECMW派生出的构件模板,研究其结构与组成元素,将构件模板贯穿于构件化开发的过程之中,指导并规范构件的开发与复用。

4)beams and slabs梁板构件

1.It is more common for cracks to appear inbeams and slabs because of the characteristic of the fluid concrete.流态混凝土 ,特别是在高强度、大流动性条件下 ,具有水泥用量多 ,用水量大 ,砂率高 3个主要特点 ,所以产生裂缝的潜在危险大 ,在工程实践中梁板构件出现裂缝的情况比较多 ,对此必须引起足够的重视 总结了流态混凝土梁板构件非结构性裂缝产生的规律 ,将裂缝分成混凝土塑性收缩裂缝、干燥收缩裂缝、骨料塑性沉落裂缝、温度应力裂缝几类 ,系统地分析了以上几类裂缝的形成原因以及相关因素 提出从优化混凝土设计、提高混凝土生产质量、加强混凝土施工管理 3个方面对裂缝进行有效控

5)member face plate构件面板

6)redundant member累板构件


Al-Li合金构件——歼7-II飞机舱口盖及副翼扰流片Al-Li合金构件——歼7-II飞机舱口盖及副翼扰流片Al—Ll合金构件——歼7一I 1机舱口盖及副翼扰流片张自供稿
