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强势产品 pre-eminent product英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-26 07:53:31


强势产品 pre-eminent product英语短句 例句大全


强势产品,pre-eminent product

1)pre-eminent product强势产品

2)Strong brand强势品牌

1.How to Establish a Strong Brand Referencing Neusoft s Development;从东软的发展过程看强势品牌塑造

2.A strong brand gives birth to a market leadership.我国企业已进入品牌时代,拥有强势品牌者就能掌握市场主动权,因此,加强品牌战略是我国企业发展非常重要的一个环节。

3.Along with the development of the progress and development of the so ciety, tapping the potential ability of the library its own, forming the unique service mode, and establishing the strong brand of the library its own are extre mely urgent.随着社会的进步与发展,发掘图书馆自身所具备的潜能,形成独特的服务模式,打造图书馆自身的强势品牌,已迫在眉睫。


1.To Build Strong Effect Brand of Agricultural Products and Up-grade Competitiveness of Brand;创建农产品强势品牌 提高品牌竞争力

2.8.: Quality Creates Competitive Brands坚持以质取胜 打造强势品牌

3.The Goods of a Well-known Brand Is Important Fulcrum in Modern Industry Marketing;强势品牌是现代企业营销的重要支点

4.Accelerate the Advantage of Strong Brands to Highlight Yongshun Tea Industry突出强势品牌 加快发展永顺茶业经济

5.The culture factor research that set up the pre-eminent brand to athletics Product of China;我国体育用品创建强势品牌的文化因素

6.Concentrating on the Meaning of Humanities and Creating the Preeminent Brand of Sports Goods in China;贯注人文意义,打造我国体育用品的强势品牌

7.Whole enterprisers want to make their brands to be popular.能不能以低成本去打造一个顶级强势品牌呢?

8.Building Strong Brands to Enhance the Core Competences of Enterprises of Our Country;建立强势品牌,提升我国企业的核心竞争力

9.Discussion on the Reasons of the Weakening of the Strong Brands of China and Countermeasures;国内强势品牌价值弱化的原因及对策研究

10.Necessity Analysis and Problem Discussing of Strong Brand Construction of Agricultural Product Processing Industry in China;我国农产品加工业强势品牌建设的必要性分析及问题探讨

11.Strode electric car industry as company with one action 2002, make strong brand " motor-car of the report when beautiful nimble " .2002年随着公司一举迈入电动车行业,打造强势品牌“佳捷时电动车”。

12.Forging the Best Brands of Culture to Build a Stong Province in Culture;打造强势文化品牌 建设文化强省

13.Way-out for Textile and Apparel in Post-Quota Age: Build Strong Self-Brand;“后配额时代”纺织品服装之路:打造强势自主品牌


15.The Study of Countermeasures in Regional Brand Growing--Sichuan white liquor industry for example;强势区域品牌的培育对策研究——以四川白酒产业为例

16.China"s Top 500 Brands and the Brand Building of Quanzhou"s Private Enterprises中国品牌五百强与泉州民企品牌建设

17.Making Use of the Situation to Create Well-known Brands;Developing Chongqing with Famous Brands --Opinion on the "Borrowed-brand Economy" in Chongqing;借势创牌 品牌兴渝——对重庆“贴牌经济”现象的看法

18.What trends do you want your brand to exploit?什么趋势使你的品牌可以因势利导?


Strong brand强势品牌

1.How to Establish a Strong Brand Referencing Neusoft s Development;从东软的发展过程看强势品牌塑造

2.A strong brand gives birth to a market leadership.我国企业已进入品牌时代,拥有强势品牌者就能掌握市场主动权,因此,加强品牌战略是我国企业发展非常重要的一个环节。

3.Along with the development of the progress and development of the so ciety, tapping the potential ability of the library its own, forming the unique service mode, and establishing the strong brand of the library its own are extre mely urgent.随着社会的进步与发展,发掘图书馆自身所具备的潜能,形成独特的服务模式,打造图书馆自身的强势品牌,已迫在眉睫。

3)the strong brand强势品牌

1.Only by buildingthe strong brand to acquire customers, can service enterprises survive and d.当今顾客主要是认“牌”购买,强势品牌是产品或服务优良品质的保证;由于服务是后验性商品,强势品牌成为服务企业给顾客的一种承诺:它能降低顾客的购买风险并增强顾客的购买信心。

4)stong industry强势产业

5)trend product趋势产品

1.China’s paper product market in :trend product supply exceeding demand as a whole;中国纸品市场:趋势产品总体供过于求

6)Product situations产品形势


强势1.亦作"强埶"。亦作"强势"。 2.豪门势要。 3.强大的势力。
