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反眉状隧道小切口 Converse frown sclera tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-30 14:21:28


反眉状隧道小切口 Converse frown sclera tunnel英语短句 例句大全

反眉状隧道小切口,Converse frown sclera tunnel

1)Converse frown sclera tunnel反眉状隧道小切口


1.The Application of Vision Aid Project for Cataract Extraction with Introcular Lens Implantation through Converse Frown Sclera Tunnel Incision反眉状隧道小切口白内障摘除人工晶体植入术在复明工程中的应用

2.Tunnel butterfly-shape incision to extract nucleus and implant arti-ficial lens隧道式蝶形切口白内障摘出人工晶状体植入术

3.Clinical Research of Eyebrow Incision Restored the Aging Estate Around the Eye and Eyebrow;眉部切口对眉眼周围老化状态修复的临床研究

4.Efficacy Analysis of Micro-incision Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation Combind with Trabeculectomy in Tunnel微切口白内障超声乳化联合隧道内小梁切除术的疗效分析

5.Application of temple side sclera tunnel incision for cataract after trabeculectomy颞侧巩膜隧道切口在小梁切除术后白内障手术中的应用

6.Objective To observe the clinical effect of artificial lens implantation with straight scleral tunnel incision.目的观察巩膜隧道直切口人工晶状体植入术的临床疗效。

7.Self-sealing sclera tunnel incision for silicone oil removal自闭式巩膜隧道切口在有晶状体眼硅油取出术中的应用观察

8.Gonioscopy in the internal scleral tunnel incision posterior deflexion in phacoemulsification surgery.晶状体乳化巩膜隧道内切口偏后的前房角镜观察

9.Difference of the Intension of Incision between Corneal Tunnel Incision and Sclera Tunnel Incision and the Study in Histopathology;巩膜隧道切口与角膜隧道切口强度比较及组织病理学研究

10.Conclusion The turnnel-like small-incision extirpation is effective for dense cataract.④结论隧道式小切口手术治疗硬核白内障病人效果较好

11.Clinical analysis of two kinds of small sclera tunnel suturless incision non-phacoemulsification surgery and intraocular lens implantation两种无缝线非超声乳化巩膜隧道小切口白内障摘除术的临床分析

12.Phacoemulsification with phaco-drill in scleral limbal corneal tunnel incision (SLiC Incision).角膜缘隧道切口钻凿劈核超声乳化术

13.Behind the cutting edge is the tail, which has a smaller diameter. The permanent lining of the tunnel is assembled in this area.切削口的后面是直径较小的盾构尾部,隧道的永久性衬砌就在此处进行。

14.Clinical evaluation of cataract extraction with scleral tunnel incision under topical anesthesia表面麻醉巩膜隧道切口白内障手术临床体会

15.Curative Effect Analysis of Scleral Tunnel Incision in Treating Severe Hyphema巩膜隧道切口手术治疗重度前房积血效果分析

16.Incision under Eyebrow Lift Upper Eyelid Relaxed and Eyebrow Ptosis眉下切口上睑松弛皮肤切除眉提升术临床研究

17.Study of the application of scleral flap made by tunnel knife in trabeculectomy隧道刀制作巩膜瓣在小梁切除术中的应用研究

18.Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach经重睑切口行眉上提术治疗上睑松弛伴眉下垂


frown-shaped scleral tunnel incision反眉形巩膜隧道切口

1.· AIM: To observe the clinical effect offrown-shaped scleral tunnel incision in extracapsluar cataract extraction.目的:观察反眉形巩膜隧道切口在囊外白内障摘除手术中的临床疗效。

3)a small tunnel incision隧道小切口

4)tunnel-like small incision隧道式小切口

1.Clinical analyisis oftunnel-like small incision non-phacoemulsification catract extraction and intraocular lens implantation;白内障隧道式小切口非超声乳化人工晶状体植入术临床分析

5)frown-shaped incision反眉形切口

6)Tunnel incision隧道切口

1.Analysis and treatment of complications of cataract extraction using interoperative and postoperative scleral tunnel incision in 712 eyes;自闭式隧道切口白内障摘除术并发症分析与处理


