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国际储备:international reserves 英语短句与例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 14:01:32


国际储备:international reserves 英语短句与例句大全

国际储备,international reserves

1)international reserves国际储备

1.Research on appropriate scale ofinternational reserves of our country;如何确定我国国际储备的适度规模

2.A positive analysis of demand forinternational reserves in China;我国国际储备需求的实证分析

3.Global Analysis on the International Reserves in the New Century in Aspects of Scale Expansion,Structure Change and the Value of Reserve Currencies国际储备的演进与储备货币的价值分析


1.International Reserve Theory and the Moderate Size of China’s International Reserve国际储备理论与中国国际储备的适度规模

2.consolidation of outstanding international resources未了国际储备的清理

3.Global Analysis on the International Reserves in the New Century in Aspects of Scale Expansion,Structure Change and the Value of Reserve Currencies国际储备的演进与储备货币的价值分析

4.Long-term Demand for International Reserves From Year of 1952 to in China;1952~中国国际储备长期需求模型

5.The Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of China s Requirement for International Reserve;中国国际储备需求的理论与实证分析

6.Changing Share of Yen in International Official Reserves and Implications for the Internationalization of RMB;日元国际储备地位变迁对人民币国际化的启示

7.Economic Analysis Between Adjustment of Internation Balance of Payments and Demand for International Reserve;国际收支调节与国际储备需求的经济分析

8.international reserves as a % of imports国际储备比进口额百分数

9.Demand for International Reserves: Theory Analysis and Empirical Study;国际储备需求:理论分析与实证检验

10.On international reserve currency system can be diversification论国际储备货币体系能否实现多元化

parison of International Strategic Oil Reserves System and Oil Reserves in China国际战略石油储备体系比较与中国的石油储备

12.international system of nationally-held food reserves国家掌握粮食储备的国际制度

13.reserve position in international financial institutions在国际金融机构储备头寸

14.General Reserve(s) [IBRD]总储备金[国际复兴开发银行]

15.International Comparison and Study on Active Management of Foreign Exchange Reserve;外汇储备积极管理的国际比较与借鉴

16.International Experience of Management Regime of Foreign Exchange Reserve;外汇储备管理模式的国际经验和借鉴

17.omparison of Forex Reserve Management Regimes and its Application;外汇储备管理政策的国际比较及借鉴

18.On Foreign Exchange Reserve and Foreign Income & Expenses;关于国际收支和外汇储备的几点认识


international reserve国际储备

1.Measurement and Countermeasures of Excessive Accumulation in China s International Reserve;国际储备过度积累的衡量和对策

2.Theinternational reserve is an important macroeconomic index reflecting the change of one country s international payments.在经济全球化日益加剧的年代 ,掌握合理的国际储备是保障一国经济持续稳定发展的一个重要因素。

3.On the base of collecting,processing,analyzing and evaluating the last 20 years data of the relevant indications that affect the scale of theinternational reserve of our country,the anthors of this article try to set up a model and calculate the variables of these indications and offer some suggestions accordingly.通过对我国近二十年影响国际储备相关数据的收集、加工、估算和分析 ,建立模型并测算出影响我国国际储备规模相关因素指标的变动值 ,提出针对性的建议。

3)international reserves of China中国国际储备

4)Adjustment of International Neserves国际储备调整

5)Optimal International Reserves最优国际储备

1.Optimal International Reserves of Developing Countries in an Era of High Capital Mobility;资本高度流动时代的发展中国家最优国际储备──兼评中国外汇储备政策

6)composition of international reserves国际储备构成

1.Today′scomposition of international reserves is a kind of unbalanced development.当代国际储备构成是非均衡的。


