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眩光控制 glare control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-05 09:25:19


眩光控制 glare control英语短句 例句大全

眩光控制,glare control

1)glare control眩光控制

1.In this paper the interaction between lighting environment design and people\"s feeling is discussed by analyzing impacting factors of the illumination,lighting design andglare control.通过对照度、布光及眩光控制等照明设计中影响因素的分析,探讨了照明设计与人们的感受及环境的互动关系。


1.The Analysis of the Glare Control with Its Applications in Road Lighting眩光控制分析及其在道路照明中的运用

2.Inhibitive effect of polarizer on glare关于偏振片对于眩光的抑制作用的研究

3.Study on the Pathogenesis of Cervical Vertigo with the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy;应用近红外光谱仪探讨颈性眩晕的发病机制

4.To dazzle, as with strong light.使目眩使人眩惑,如因强光

5.Disability glare with veiling glare source of low intensity in myopic eye近视眼在低强度幕罩眩光光源下的失能眩光

6.The bright lights blinded me for a moment.明亮的光使我一时目眩。

7.The bright light of the car dazzled me.这汽车的灯光使我目眩。

8.The light is too dazzling.灯光强烈,令人目眩。

9.anti-dazzle glass防眩玻璃,遮光玻璃

10.glare recovery time curve眩光视觉恢复时间曲线

11.controlled scan spectrophotometer控制扫描分光光度计

12.a bright, nay a blinding light一道亮光,一道令人目眩的亮光

13.Oxidezed aluminum reflector in positive pole, which is designed for narrow&medium light beam.进口阳极氧化铝反光器,眩光更小.

14.Objective To investigate whether disability glare happen or not in myopia under the low intensity of veiling glare source.目的 探讨在低强度幕罩眩光源下近视眼是否存在失能眩光。

15.The technology is discussed in detail and the approach of phase adjusting at the real traffic situation with a lot of vehicles is presented.本文详细论述了这种新颖的防眩控制技术,并给出了在实用中多车交会时的处理方法。

16.The lights of the car dazzled me on the dark road.黑暗的路上,车灯的光使我目眩。

17.a glare of sunlight; the flowers were a blaze of color.今天的太阳发出眩目的光。

18.The glare from the sun and snow blinded him.眩目的阳光和白雪刺得他睁不开眼睛。


glare restriction眩光限制

1.average luminance, uniformity of illumination,glare restriction and inductivity, with details of the four indices, including their importance to pavement lighting, factors they are likely subject to, etc.本文就城市道路照明的四项指标: 平均亮度、亮度均匀度、眩光限制和诱导性作了简要陈述。



1.Study of laser andglare protective PMMA material;防激光、防眩光PMMA材料的研制

2.Effect ofglare on twilight visual performance of naval pilots;眩光对海军飞行员暮视视觉工效的影响

3.The significance of association of visual function with contrast andglare sensitivity in patients with early age-related cataract;对比敏感度和眩光敏感度在早期老年性白内障手术指征中的临床意义

5)veiling glare眩光效应

6)night glare夜间眩光

1.[Objective] To investigate the preoperative risk factors fornight glare after LASIK for high myopia.【目的】探讨高度近视患者LASIK术后发生夜间眩光的手术前危险因素。


