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时间:2024-05-08 07:59:39



体育课程评价,PE curriculum assessment

1)PE curriculum assessment体育课程评价

1.The research on the state ofPE curriculum assessment of general higher universities and suggestions;对普通高校体育课程评价现状研究及几点建议


1.A theoretical investigation into the evaluation system in the new curriculum of physical education;建立高校新体育课程评价体系的思考

2.Evaluation of Multiple Intelligence Theory on Sports Curricular;多元智能理论对体育课程评价的启示

3.A Theoretical Study of Evaluation of Curriculum and Learning Evaluation of Physical Education;课程评价与体育学习评价的理论研究

4.Design,Implementation and Evaluation of Innovation Process of Physical Education Curriculum;体育课程创新过程的设计、实施与评价

5.Discussion on Examination Evaluation System of College Sport Curricular;普通高校体育课程考试评价体系探讨

6.The Construction of Studying Appraisal System About the Course"Physical Education and Health";《体育与健康》课程学习评价体系的建构

7.A study on the evaluation system of learning in college P.E.;大学体育课程学习质量评价体系研究

8.PE learning appraisal should transfers from end to process;体育课应实现由终结评价向过程评价的转移

9.Problems Existing in Physical Education Teaching Evaluation under New Curriculum and Corresponding Countermeasures;新课程标准下体育教学评价问题探析

10.Analysis and Research of Carry out of Physical Education(and Health)Curriculum Standard;《体育(与健康)课程标准》实施后的评价

11.Study on the Feasibility of Appraisement of Physical Education Curriculum Standard;《体育课程标准》评价的可行性研究

12.Attempting to Discuss the Teaching Evaluation of the New Curriculum of P.E.School;试论学校体育新课程的教学评价改革

13.Analysis of Evaluating Contents of Learning Effects of P.E. Curriculum in Common Universities and Colleges;普通高校体育课程学习效果评价内容

14.On the Reformation of Students Achievement Evaluation in Physical Education in Schools;学校体育课程“学生学习评价”改革思辨

15.Research and Application of "Process Assessment" of College PE;高校体育课“过程评价”考核研究与实践

16.A Study on the Relation of Teachers and Students and the P.E. Evaluation of New Course;对新课程体育评价与师生关系的研究

17.The Thinking of the Learning Appraisal Reform in Sprots and Health Course;体育与健康课程学习评价改革的思考

18.Brief Analysis on Attribute,Actualize,Evaluates of School Physical Education Activity Curriculum;浅析体育活动课程的属性、实施与评价


PE class evaluation体育课评价

1.PE class evaluation is one of the important means used by PE workmen.体育课评价是体育教育工作者普遍运用的手段之一。

3)The evaluation of P.E curriculum in colleges高校体育课程评价

4)P.E.course valuation体育课堂评价

1.By introducing the function and content of P.探讨新课程理念下体育课堂评价体系的构建。

5)curriculum evaluation system课程评价体系

1.The conclusions were pointed out as follows:The scientificcurriculum evaluation system adaptive to aims of physical education reform in college was mission for physical education reform in colleg本文讨论了高校体育的任务,提出了高校体育的目的,指出建立与高校体育改革目标相适应的、科学的课程评价体系,是当前高校体育课程和高校体育改革必须首先解决的任务。

6)course evaluation课程评价

1.A Course Evaluation Model of Graduate Student Based on ANN基于人工神经网络的研究生课程评价模型

2.Thecourse evaluation of ideological cultivation should obey the Principles of directivity,development,and integration.思想品德课程评价要坚持方向性原则、发展性原则、整体性原则。

3.The reform ofcourse evaluation should be carried out and the practice in which one examination decides everything be altered.课程评价要改革,要改变一考定终身的状况。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
