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理性主义史学 historical science of rationalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-08 13:29:44


理性主义史学 historical science of rationalism英语短句 例句大全

理性主义史学,historical science of rationalism

1)historical science of rationalism理性主义史学

2)historical rationalism历史理性主义

1.The doctrine ofhistorical rationalism,which is the basic of his tragedy theory,also throws light on the two key standpoints of it.黑格尔的历史理性主义矛盾学说是其悲剧论的哲学基础。

3)rational conception of history理性主义历史观

4)female doctrine historiography女性主义史学

1.With the rising of female doctrine,the academic circles pays attention to the female much more than before,thefemale doctrine historiography is also gradually prosperous.随着女性主义的兴起,学术界更加关注女性,女性主义史学也日渐兴旺。


1.Saga of Clio:On Viking Women from the Perspective of Feminist History克利奥的萨迦——女性主义史学论域的维京妇女

2.Anthropology and Feminism:A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Historiography of Science;人类学与女性主义:科学编史学层面的同异研究

3.The Meaning and Cause of Literature History About Theme of Female Revenge Literature in Wei Jin Dynasty;魏晋女性复仇文学主题的文学史意义及成因

4.Metaphor Analyses in Feminist History of Science and Technology;试论女性主义科学技术史的“隐喻分析方法”

5.From Criticisms to Reconstructions:The Development of Feminist Psychology;从批判到重构:女性主义心理学的历史发展

6.Understanding of the Marginal Group--Philosophy of History in the Light of Feminism;边缘族群的解读——女性主义视角下的历史哲学

7.The Challenge and Revision of Indian Nationalist Historiography from the Modern Indian Feminists" Perspective当代印度女性主义对民族主义史学的挑战与修正

8.West Feminism Thoughts and American Women Study西方女性主义思潮与美国妇女史研究

9.A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism,the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science;自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义科学观浅探

10.Social Construction of Gender and Science:on the Theoretical Foundation of Feminist History of Science性别与科学的社会建构——试论女性主义科学史研究的理论基础

11.Americal School of Feminism:Femisnist Narrative;女性主义美国学派——女性主义叙事学简论

12.On the Historical Development of Feminist Literary Criticism of the New Age;论新时期女性主义文学批评发展衍变的历史轨迹

13.Feminism in the Journalism and Communication Study of China: The History, Actuality and Evolution;中国新闻传播学中女性主义研究的历史、现状与发展

14.They Walk out Historical Depth--Three Subjects on Western Feministic Literature Criticism;她们从历史深处走来——西方女性主义文学批评三题

15.The Meeting of Feminism and Latter Modernism;论女性主义与后现代主义哲学的相遇

16.A Study of Fowles Feminism from the Perspective of Historiographic Metafiction in The French Lieutenant s Woman;从“史学性元小说”的视角看约翰·福尔斯的女性主义思想——论《法国中尉的女人》

17.Feminist literary criticism and Taiwans women writers;从女性主义文学批评谈到台湾女作家

18.Feminism and Modern Women’s Consciousness of Female Students in the University;女性主义与当代女大学生的现代女性意识


historical rationalism历史理性主义

1.The doctrine ofhistorical rationalism,which is the basic of his tragedy theory,also throws light on the two key standpoints of it.黑格尔的历史理性主义矛盾学说是其悲剧论的哲学基础。

3)rational conception of history理性主义历史观

4)female doctrine historiography女性主义史学

1.With the rising of female doctrine,the academic circles pays attention to the female much more than before,thefemale doctrine historiography is also gradually prosperous.随着女性主义的兴起,学术界更加关注女性,女性主义史学也日渐兴旺。

5)the feminist historiography of science女性主义科学编史学

1.With an introduction to the historical research of ancient Chinese gynaecology and technology by Charlotte Furth and Francesca Bray,The Ancient Chinese Science and Technology in Gender Perspective,a new monograph by Liu Bing and Zhang Meifang,explicates the meaning ofthe feminist historiography of science for the research of ancient Chinese science and technology.通过介绍费侠莉、白馥兰对中国古代妇科医学史和技术史的研究,刘兵、章梅芳合著的《性别视角中的中国古代科学技术》展示了女性主义科学编史学视角对中国古代科技史研究的价值。

6)moralization of historiography义理史学

1.How to evaluate the gains and loss ofmoralization of historiography in the Song Dynasty is not only crucial to know historiography in the Song Dynasty correctly but significant to evaluate the tradional historiography comprehensively.如何评价宋代义理史学的利弊得失,不仅对于正确认识宋代史学至关重要,而且对于全面估量传统史学也具有重要意义。


