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地下竞争指数 below-ground competition coefficient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-13 15:17:38


地下竞争指数 below-ground competition coefficient英语短句 例句大全

地下竞争指数,below-ground competition coefficient

1)below-ground competition coefficient地下竞争指数

2)Belowground competition地下竞争


1.Density Effects on Interactions Between Above-and Belowground Competition in Young Acacia auriculaeformis Stands密度对大叶相思幼林地上竞争和地下竞争的影响

2.Cooperation and Competition between Regional Universities: from an Ecological Perspective;生态学视域下地方高校的合作与竞争

3.Analysis of local tax competition with headquarter economy总部经济下地方税收竞争的博弈分析

4.Local Governmental Competition under the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下的地方政府竞争——提高政府核心竞争力的战略选择

5.Research on Software Industrial Distribution under Local Government Competition;地方政府竞争行为下的软件产业布局研究

6.Institutions of Capital Formation under Competition of Local Governments in the Period of Transition;转型期地方政府竞争视角下的资本形成机制

7.The Competition and Cooperation of the Local Government from the Perspective of the Intergovernmental Relation;府际关系视域下的地方政府竞争与合作

8.Regional Market Integration under Interjurisdictional Competition in China:On the Role of the Central Government in Regional Market Integration;中国地方政府间竞争下的区域市场整合

9.The Development Strategy in Local College Under the Core Competencies Angle of View;核心竞争力视角下的地方高校发展策略

10.The System Supply of the Local Government in the View of Competition during the Transformation Period;转型期地方政府竞争视野下的制度供给

11.Enterprise Competition Strategy Research in Dynamic Competitive Environment;动态竞争环境下的企业竞争战略研究

12.You cannot ignore competition or paint an inaccurate picture.你不能忽视竞争或不准确地描绘竞争。

13.Real Estate Enterprise Competitive Advantage and Competition Strategic Research;房地产企业竞争优势与竞争战略研究

14.The Competition Between the Local Governments and the Improvement of Their Competitive Power;地方政府之间的竞争及其竞争力提升

15.oligopolistic competition寡头垄断控制下的竞争

petition under socialist system社会主义制度下的竞争

17.hold a stick to势均力敌地与¥竞争

18.hold sticks with旗鼓相当地与…竞争


Belowground competition地下竞争

3)competition index竞争指数

1.Then,with a plot size of 100 m × 100 m,Hegyi scompetition index model for individual trees was used to determine competition within dominant tree populations in an evergreen broad-leaved forest of National Nature Reserve of Mount Tianmu.利用Hegyi简单竞争指数研究优势种群竞争的方法,分析了天目山国家级自然保护区内的常绿阔叶林优势种群在群落中的竞争状况。

2.mongolica natural forest in Honghuaerji Nature Reserve of Inner Mongolia were analyzed by the Hegyi s single treecompetition index.运用Hegyi单木竞争指数分析了内蒙古红花尔基自然保护区天然樟子松(Pinus sylvestrisvar。

3.Analyzed the intraspecific and interspecific relationship of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora stylosa with commonly used niche calculation formula and Hegyi single-treecompetition index mode, the results showed that they had extreme similar niche breadth and high value of the niche overlap index.文章采用常用的生态位宽度、生态位重叠计测公式和Hegyi竞争指数模型,研究木榄和红海榄种内以及种间的相互关系。

4)competitive industrial performance index地区制造业竞争力指数

5)Hegyi competition indexHegyi竞争指数

1.In consideration stand competition mechanism and the utilization of the nutrition space of the crown,this article proposed a new method usingHegyi competition index(CI),Growth space index(GSI) and Growth space competition index(GSCI) to analyze and optimize the spatial structure.主要从林分竞争机制和树冠营养空间利用情况等方面提出了利用Hegyi竞争指数、生长空间指数、生长空间竞争指数分析优化林分空间结构,进一步比较了不同择伐强度下林分空间结构变化的大小。

6)competitiveness index竞争力指数

1.In addition by taking 17 cities of Henan province for example,we rank thecompetitiveness index through dealing with original data.本文采用层次分析法建立城市竞争力的评价系统,并以河南省的17个城市为例进行实证分析,通过对原始数据的整理,给出其竞争力指数的排名,同时也分析了影响河南省部分城市竞争力的原因。


地下1.地面以下;地层内部。 2.谓政党﹑团体等处于非法﹑秘密活动状态。 3.指阴间。 4.地面上。
