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十二则鼓乐 drum music of 12 rules英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-15 12:57:25


十二则鼓乐 drum music of 12 rules英语短句 例句大全

"十二则"鼓乐,drum music of "12 rules"

1)drum music of "12 rules""十二则"鼓乐

2)Twelve Tables of Textual Criticize on Guchui鼓吹十二案考释

3)drum music鼓乐


1.O bells and drums, delight The bride so fair and tender!窈窕淑女, 钟鼓乐之

2.Bells and drums, delight the bride so fair and tender!窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之!

3.he practiced his drumming several hours every day.少年儿童鼓乐演奏团。

4.the leader of a marching band or drum corps.进行曲或鼓乐队的指挥。

5.Percussion and wind ensembles native to the northern region include Xi"an percussion and wind, Shanxi Province"s badatao, the orchestras of central Hebei Province,如属于北方鼓吹乐种的有:西安鼓乐、山西八大套、冀中音乐会、

6.Drumbeats Music Dance from Gansu and its Impact on Drumbeat Culture Nationwide流传于甘肃境内的鼓乐舞对全国鼓文化的影响

7.The Evolution and Introspection of the Lu Druming Group -A Report about the Lu Druming Group, Chang Zhuang Road , Dezhou;路家鼓乐班的兴衰与反思——山东德州长庄路家鼓乐班调查报告

8.Wish the scientific undertakings of Shandong and China more prosperous every day!请欣赏山东民族乐团演奏的鼓乐:《龙腾虎跃》!

9.Analysis of Drum Music Group s Instrumental Repertoire in Dezhou;关于德州鼓乐班器乐曲目的分析与思考

10.percussion instrument (eg drum,tambourine,xylophone)打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、木琴).

11.southwest Shandong Province"s percussion and wind, Liaoning Province"s percussion and wind and the shipan music of Luoyang City.鲁西南鼓吹乐、辽宁鼓吹乐、洛阳十盘乐。

12.One who plays a drum, as in a band.鼓手击鼓的人,如管乐队中的鼓手

13.the outdoor variety is played mainly on gongs and drums,广场乐有潮州大锣鼓、外江锣鼓、八音锣鼓、花灯锣鼓和小锣鼓。

14.An ancient percussion instrument similar to a tambourine.铃鼓,小手鼓类似于铃鼓的一种古代打击乐器

15.The main instruments used to accompany dagu were drums, clappers and the three-string.大鼓的主要伴奏乐器为鼓、板、三弦。

16.The drum is a percussion instrument.鼓是一种敲击乐器。

17.The drummers beat out their tropical music.鼓手敲击出热带音乐。

18.The school band needs a drummer.学校乐队需要一名鼓手。


Twelve Tables of Textual Criticize on Guchui鼓吹十二案考释

3)drum music鼓乐

4)12 Girls Band女子十二乐坊

1.On Success of12 Girls Band from Perspective of Music Prevalence;从音乐传播角度论女子十二乐坊的成功

5)Twelve-tone Series music十二音序列音乐

6)Twenty-Eight Modes燕乐二十八调

1.An Appliance ofTwenty-Eight Modes on Zheng Modes;燕乐二十八调在筝调上的应用


