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重点保护物种 Key protected species英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-19 09:39:34


重点保护物种 Key protected species英语短句 例句大全

重点保护物种,Key protected species

1)Key protected species重点保护物种


1.On the Gumnospermae Flora and the Main Point Protected Species of Sanqingshan Mt.;三清山裸子植物区系及重点保护物种

2.Study on the Flora of National Key Protected Wild Seeds in Yunnan云南国家重点保护野生种子植物区系研究

3.Measures shall be adopted to protect fry of aquatic animals when channeling or using water from water areas that specialize in producing such fry.在水生动物苗种重点产区引水用水时,应当采取措施,保护苗种。

4.A Brief Study on the Introduction of National Key Preserved Wild Plant Resources in Xi"an Botanical Garden西安植物园国家重点保护野生植物资源引种研究

5.Among these wild birds,there are 9 species which belong to the second class of the national protected birds and 8 species of the Hebei Province emphatically protected birds.国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类9种,河北省重点保护鸟类8种。

6.The wildlife under special local protection, being different from the wildlife under special state protection, refers to the wildlife specially protected by provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.地方重点保护野生动物,是指国家重点保护野生动物以外,由

7.Study on Ex-situ Conservation of Wild Plants under Special State Control in China中国国家重点保护野生植物迁地保护研究

8.The in situ conservation of state key protected wild plants in national nature reserves in China中国国家重点保护野生植物的就地保护现状

9.Resource and protection of the national key preserved wild plants in Qizimeishan Nature Preserve;七姊妹山自然保护区国家重点保护野生植物及保护对策

10.Lists of wildlife under special local protection shall be drawn up and announced by the governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government and shall be submitted to the State Council for the record.地方重点保护的野生动物名录,由

11.Key Cultural Relic Conservation Project Launched in Tibet西藏三大重点文物保护维修工程动工

12.Characteristics of new plant′s register amalysed.对湖北重点保护植物名录特点进行了分析。

13.Researches on the Features and Development of National Key Historical Relics Preservation Units in Guilin;桂林全国重点文物保护单位的特点及开发研究

14.A Tentative Research of State-protected Wild Plants in Fuling District, Chongqing Municipality;重庆市涪陵区国家重点保护野生植物初步研究

15.An Investigation and Research of National Wild Conservative Plants in Wanzhou Chongqing;重庆万州区国家重点保护野生植物调查研究

16.At the end of 2001, there were 60 State-level key units of cultural relics protection and 262 local-level units of cultural relics protection in Beijing.年末,全市有国家级重点文物保护单位60处,地方文物保护单位262处。

17.Studies on Forest Plant Diversity and Key Protected Plants in Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve;三江源自然保护区森林植物多样性及其重点保护植物评价

18.Study on the Pollination Biology of the State Key Protected Species Emmenopterys Henryi Oliv.;国家重点保护植物香果树传粉生物学研究


wildlife under national priority protection国家重点保护物种

3)protective plants重点保护植物

1.Cluster analysis on geographical distribution ofprotective plants in Guizhou province;贵州省重点保护植物地理分布的聚类分析

4)conservation target保护重点

1.The mainconservation targets are natural relics, karst wetland eco_system, vegetation and biological species etc.珠江源自然保护区地处滇东高原曲靖市的沾益县和宣威市境内 ,总面积为 2 30 4 5 9hm2 ,由于历史上开发较早 ,导致环境恶化 ,生态脆弱 ,湿地遭到严重破坏 ,因此要对珠江源生态环境实施全方位多角度保护 ,其保护重点为 :自然遗迹 ;喀斯特湿地系统 ;森林植被 ;生物物种等。

5)species protection物种保护

1.All these make the Act one of the most effective ones concerningspecies protection,providing a solid support for the species\" continuous existence.美国《濒危物种法》的立法宗旨体现其先进的环境立法理念,造就其凌驾于行政之上的濒危物种优先权、广泛的保护范围和强大保护效力和公民诉讼制度等,使其成为世界范围内最强有力和卓有成效的物种保护法律,为物种的持续生存提供坚实的法律保障。

6)species conservation物种保护

1.Theoretical basis forspecies conservation:from the theory of island biogeography to metapopulation dynamic theory;物种保护的理论基础——从岛屿生物地理学理论到集合种群理论

2.Relationship between thespecies conservation and agrolandscape patch in Daka, Xishuangbanna;西双版纳大卡老寨农地景观与物种保护的关系

3.The paper made a simple introduction and analysis on the related polices of the Act,and summarized the main characteristics of the law and its policies,then made a comparison and analysis between the Endangered Species Act and its policies with similar regulations of China,and pointed out the problems needed to be resolved urgently regarding wildspecies conservation in China.对美国《濒危物种法》及其配套政策措施进行了介绍,对其特点进行了分析总结;在此基础上,通过比较分析,提出我国在野生物种保护的法律法规和保护实践方面有待加强和改进的方面。


重点重点multiple point重点【m咖口e脚初t;即aT。“To,a],平面代数曲线F(义,y)=0的一个奇点,在这个点处,直至”阶偏导数都等于零,且至少一个n十l阶偏导数不等于零.例如,如果F(二。,夕。)=0,Fx’(x。,夕。)二o,rx’(x。,夕。)=0而F二立(x。,夕。),弓(‘。,夕。),尽(x。,夕。)中有一个不等于零,则重点M(x。,y。)称为二孟点(doubk point);如果一阶和二阶偏导数在M(义。,夕。)都等于零,但至少一个三阶偏导数不等于零,则重点称为三重点(吻卜point),等等.AE.物a。。。撰
