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第一句子网 > (2024年)党政群机关负责人Leaders英语短句例句大全


时间:2024-05-23 04:02:31





1.Diachronical and Spatial Changes on the Demographical Features of Public DepartmentLeaders党、政、群机关负责人人口学特征的时空变迁


1.Diachronical and Spatial Changes on the Demographical Features of Public Department Leaders党、政、群机关负责人人口学特征的时空变迁

2.and that the political organs are the leading body of the political work in a unit, responsible for administering Party work and organizing the implementation of the political work.政治机关是所属部队和单位政治工作的领导机关,负责管理党的工作,组织进行政治工作。

3.On the Common Responsibility System of the Party and Administration in Universities;关于高校院(系)党政共同负责制的几点思考

4.Reflections on the System of Responsibility Assumed by Both the Party and the Administration in Colleges/Faculties;关于高校院(系)实行党政共同负责制的思考

5.The financial committee under the central party department is a specific organ in charge of the party outlay.中央党部之下的财务委员会是负责党务经费的专责机关。

6.Local people"s governments at different levels are responsible, and report on their work, to the state administrative organs at the next higher level.地方各级人民政府对上一级国家行政机关负责并报告工作。

7.The chief officer of a branch of government, a corporation, a board of trustees, a university, or a similar body.主管人政府机关、公司、董事会、学校或相似组织的负责人

8.As an important functional section of the Party and government, public security organs take on heavy responsibilities in constructing harmonious society.公安机关作为党和政府的重要职能部门,在构建社会主义和谐社会中担负着极其重要的职责。

9.Destruction of guns shall be arranged by public security organs of the people"s governments at the provincial level.销毁枪支,由省级人民政府公安机关负责组织实施。

10.All administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the people"s congresses to which they are responsible and under whose supervision they operate.国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关都由人民代表大会产生,对它负责,受它监督。

11.the person responsible for driving a herd of cattle.负责驱赶一群牛的人。

12.Rubinstein had Mafia connections and this has led to the theory that they were actually responsible for killing Kennedy.鲁宾斯坦与黑手党有关系,由此有人推测应该负责的是黑手党。

13.Right now a big problem in enterprises and institutions across the country and in Party and government organs at various levels is that nobody takes responsibility.现在,各地的企业事业单位中,党和国家的各级机关中,一个很大的问题就是无人负责。

14.An official of the Communist Party in charge of political indoctrination.政委共产党官员,负责政治教导

15.For the same reason, every Party member must cultivate a work style of serving the people, holding himself responsible to the masses, never failing to consult them, and being ever ready to share their joys and sorrows.每一个党员必须养成为人民服务、向群众负责、遇事同群众商量和同群众共甘苦的工作作风。

16.All administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the National People"s Congress, responsible to it and supervised by it.国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关,都由它产生,对它负责,受它监督。

17.On the Executive Power of Government Petition Accountability System论党政机关信访工作责任追究制的执行力

18."The executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references,"行政、立法、司法机关要各司其职,各负其责,


Party and administration co-responsibility system党政负责制

3)Talents of the Party and government organs党政机关人才

4)co-responsibility policy of the party and administration党政共同负责制

1.Recognitions of theco-responsibility policy of the party and administration in colleges/faculties对高校院系党政共同负责制的几点认识

5)Party and government organizations党政机关

1.The Party and government organization,as the example of the whole society,should put the saving in an important position,while improving the saving consciousness for the stall in Party and government organization is the basis and prerequisite for constructing saving-typeParty and government organizations.党政机关作为社会的表率机构更应把节约放在重要位置,而提高党政机关人员的节约意识是建设节约型党政机关的基础和前提。

2.In party and government organizations, on the one hand these changes make the vast majority of office workers play the exemplary role in every respect; on the other hand, the minority of them are indifferent to their theory and their belief has been shaken.在党政机关,这种变化一方面使得广大机关干部在各方面都发挥着先锋模范作用;另一方面,也使少数机关干部理论淡漠、信仰动摇,有的甚至走向犯罪的道路。

6)persons-in-charge of student Party branch学生党支部负责人


党政1.指国民党领导的政治。 2.党和政府。
