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第一句子网 > (2024年)探索心理复原力:用英语短句和例句大全展现resilience


时间:2024-05-24 21:39:58





1.Objective: To determine the relationship betweenresilience and social support among primary school students.目的:探讨小学生心理复原力与社会支持之间的关系。

2.On the basis of overviewing the actual state of the research onresilience at home and abroad, researchers use the method of quantitative and qualitative research to explore the inner mechanism between p.心理复原力是指个体具有的某些特质、能力或社会资源,这些特质、能力或社会资源会因个人与环境的互动而保护个人不受压力或挫折情境的影响,使个人重新获得自我控制的能力,并因之发展出健康的应对行为。


1.The Relationship between Personality Traits and Resilience of Impoverished Undergraduates;贫困大学生人格特质与心理复原力的关系

2.Relationship between Resilience and Social Support of Primary School Students in Hefei;合肥市小学生心理复原力与社会支持的关系

piling and Primary Evaluating of Self-Rating Resilience Scale for Middle School Students中学生心理复原力量表的编制及其初步评价

parison of Different Family Environment Factors on Psychological Resilience of Middle School Students不同心理复原力中学生家庭环境因子比较

5.The Research of Relations between Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Resilience, and Self-Congruence大学生情绪智力、心理复原力与自我和谐的关系研究

6.The Relationships among Resiliency, Life Event Stress and Mental Health of College Students;大学生复原力与压力事件、心理健康的关系研究

7.Resilience: The Psychological Mechanism for Recovery and Growth during Stress;韧性(resilience)——在压力下复原和成长的心理机制

8.Research on the Relationship among Perceived Stress, Resilience and Psychological Well-being of College Students大学生压力知觉、复原力和心理幸福感的关系研究

9.The Study on the Status and Relations of Resilience and Psychology Well-being of College Students大学生复原力与心理健康现状及其关系的调查研究

10.The Influence of Resilience on Psychological Status of Primary and Middle School Students in Wenchuan Earthquake-hit Area汶川地震灾区中小学生复原力对其心理状况的影响

11.The Effects of Class Counseling on Students After The Earthquake班级心理辅导对学生震后心理复原的作用

12.The Ethic Analysis of Tendency of Marginalization of Chinese Stock Market: Credit Regulation is the Impetus to Rebuild the Public Confidence;中国股市边缘化趋势的伦理分析——诚信监管是恢复市场信心的原动力

13.Effects of Xinfuli Granula on Hemodynamics of Cardiac Failure Cats and on Myocardial Pathological Feature in Rats心复力冲剂对心力衰竭猫血流动力学和大鼠心肌病理形态的影响

14.Key influence of effective stress principle on teaching practices of soil mechanics论有效应力原理在土力学教学中的核心地位

15.A new method for stress recovery by the complementary energy principle一种新的基于余能原理的应力恢复方法

16.Mechanical Principles for Stiffness Design of Fibrous Composites and Their Applications纤维复合材料刚度设计的力学原理及其应用

17.Instructing engineering mechanics teaching with cognition psychology transfer principle;利用认知心理学迁移原理指导工程力学教学

18.Mechanism of Psychological Capability under Extreme Workload极限负荷下心理承受力训练的基础原理


psychological resilience心理恢复力

1.Preliminary study onpsychological resilience of survivor after a catastrophe: a case study of 1976 Tangshan earthquake;巨灾后幸存者心理恢复力初步探究——以1976年唐山地震为例


1.A Review on Researches onResiliency Abroad;国外关于复原力的研究综述

2.Development of theResiliency Scale of University Students大学生复原力量表的初步编制

3.Researchers have been working much on resiliency, but there still are some problems in this issue, such as the blur definition of resiliency, non-matching amounts between practice researches and theory researches, shortage of researches on.复原力指个体在压力和逆境下保持有效应对和良好适应的特质或能力,它对个体的心理健康和良好适应具有举足轻重的作用。


1.Research on Three Perspectives Measurement of Middle School Students’ Resilience中学生复原力测评的三视角研究

2.It introduced the conception ofresilience and successful aging, and the relationship betweenresilience and successful aging.介绍了复原力、成功老化的概念以及复原力与成功老化的关系。

3.The purpose of this research was to develop theresilience scale for university students, and to analyze the reliability and validity of the scale.本研究旨在编制一套大学生复原力量表,并对其信度和效度进行分析考察。

5)the rebound resistance复原阻力

6)righting arm复原力臂

1.The author proves that: at any helling angle, the upsetting arm in full load condition is larger than that in part load condition, or therighting arm in full load condition is smaller than that in part load condition.作者将证明:在任何横倾角下,满载状态下的倾覆力臂大于部分装载状态下的倾覆力臂或满载状态下的复原力臂小于部分装载状态下的复原力臂。


社会心理承受力社会群体及个体对社会政治、经济、文化生活中的重大变动在心理上的可接受性、适应性及耐受性。人们具有不断调整其认知、情绪、态度及行为的能力,以适应社会变化。社会心理承受力是在个体社会化的过程中发展的,随着个体社会化程度的提高,社会心理承受力加大。社会变动与人们原有的心理状态发生矛盾,产生明显的心理压力。使个体表现为认知、情绪、态度与行为的不适与失调。社会心理承受力有一定的限度,可分解为若干个操作性指标。多数人的社会心理承受力超出此限,则社会可能出现不安定局面。影响社会心理承受力因素很多,如:①群体的利益与机会的获取是否公平;②个体需要满足的程度与方式;③群体的文化背景、历史形成的国民性格以及群体心理气氛等。改革与社会心理承受力 人们的社会心理承受力可以通过民意测验、社会测量与评估、问卷调查、个案分析等多种途径来了解。为使经济、政治体制改革得以顺利进行,必须对人们的社会心理承受力作出预测,估计到在多长时间和什么范围内,各项改革措施能为多数人所接受,并据此妥善安排每项改革的时间程序,逐步地、分阶段地进行,使人们对于新事物、新措施有一定的心理准备与适应过程;要注意人们社会心理承受能力的差异性,作为舆论准备,逐步提高心理适应的承受力。创造一个民主和谐的心理气氛和心理环境,是实现改革的群众心理基础。若操之过急,骤然打破人们的正常秩序与心理平衡,引起过强的反感心理,就会在心理上对改革形成一种阻抗。
