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【2024年】道德制约 moral restriction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-26 08:31:37


【2024年】道德制约 moral restriction英语短句 例句大全

道德制约,moral restriction

1)moral restriction道德制约

1.A Study on Moral Restriction of Mass Communication;大众传播的道德制约研究


1.The Motive Force of Capitalism Origin And the Restritive Mechanism of Ethics;资本主义起源的动力与道德制约机制

2.Systematization of Competitive Sports Morality and Its Special Form--Moral Contractualization;竞技体育道德制度化及其特殊形式——道德契约化

3."Moral self-discipline alone can not serve all purposes, an academic mechanism of restriction is more reliable"道德不是万能的,机制约束更靠得住

4.morally or legally constraining or binding.道德上或者法律上强制的、约束的。

5.Research for the Double Moral Hazard Problems and Contract Schemes;双重道德风险问题及其契约机制研究

6.Rationally Confronting and Restraining the "Extramarital Affairs";婚外情:法律制裁与道德约束缺一不可

7.Honest Morality of College Students: Restriction &Constructive Method;大学生诚信道德:制约及其建设途径

8.The factors to restrict the moral action of company s managers and countermeasures;企业管理者道德行为的制约因素分析


10.On the Infringing Rights Consumption and An Analysis of Its Moral and Legal Regulation;消费者侵权消费行为分析——道德与法制约束视角

11.The Factors of Influencing University Students Moral Development;浅析大学生道德人格发展的若干制约因素

12.Deposit Insurance: Moral Hazard, Market Discipline and Institutional Design;存款保险的道德风险、约束条件与制度设计

13.A Mechanism of Contract to Solve the Double-side Moral Hazard in Distribution Relationship;经销关系中双边道德风险的一种契约解决机制

14.Restriction of effective market competition on the moral hazard problem in supply chain;有效市场竞争对供应链中道德风险的制约

15.Theoretical Thinking on the Restrictive Mechanism into the Citizenry Ideological and Ethical Building;公民道德建设引入约束机制的理性思考

16.Under Internal Restraint Mechanism to Prevent the Risk of Medical Ethics内在约束机制视角下的医疗道德风险防范探究

17.bankrupt of ideas, moral scruples毫无主意、 道德上的约束

18.The restricting functions of traditional ethic and morality in the development of systems--Looking for the lackage of ethic and morality in the development of cultural industry;传统伦理道德在制度演进中的制约作用——寻找文化产业发展中的伦理道德缺失


moral mechanism of restrain道德的约束机制

3)restraint on the use of power with morality以道德制约权力

4)moral restraint mechanism道德约束机制

1.Further improvement of themoral restraint mechanism of the police power not only can compensate the legal adjustments,but also is of great importance for the police to enforce the law in accordance with law and impartially.进一步完善警察权力的道德约束机制,不仅能够弥补法律调整的不足,而且对于警察在执法中真正做到依法执法和公正执法有重要意义。

5)moral restriction道德约束

1.Themoral restriction principles abided by early enterprises should be replaced by system restriction after the development of family enterprises and change of property rights, which leads to transformation of enterprises’ trust mechanism.早期家族企业所遵循的道德约束准则在企业发展和产权变化后,需要制度约束替代,这就导致企业信任机制的转变。

2.It leads some parts of scholars not only scarcity law criterion, but also abandonmoral restriction, these actions induce bad effect to academia and society.从学者研究过程这个角度对学者行使学术自由权利需要受到法律规范和道德约束的双重作用进行了阐述。

6)Moral Restraint道德约束

1.TheMoral Restraint of Public Administrative Service;公共行政服务的道德约束

2.The paper analyzes the social attribute of scientists, the motivating meaning of moral restraint on scientific & technological creation, criticizing the immoral behavior in scientific research and the wrong viewpoint that science & technology workers shouldn t be restrained by morality rules.本文针对学术界在科研中的不道德行为,从科技工作者的社会属性、道德约束对科技创造的激励以及道德约束的内涵三个方面进行分析,论证了科技工作者道德自我约束的必要性和科技工作者应有的道德品质。


