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[2024年]丘浚+Qiu+Jun 英语短句: 完整的例句大全

时间:2024-05-27 19:09:05


[2024年]丘浚+Qiu+Jun 英语短句: 完整的例句大全

丘浚,Qiu Jun

1)Qiu Jun丘浚

paring Analysis of the Economy Thoughts betweenQiu Jun and A. Smith;丘浚与斯密经济思想之比较分析

2.Looking at the Legal Consciousness ofQiu Jun through《Supplement to the Exposition of the Great Learning》;从《大学衍义补》看丘浚的法律思想


1.Looking at the Legal Consciousness of Qiu Jun through《Supplement to the Exposition of the Great Learning》;从《大学衍义补》看丘浚的法律思想

2.dredge a channel [harbor#疏浚河床 [港口]

3.The Impacts of Foreign Dredging Enterprises on China s Dredging Market;国外疏浚企业对我国疏浚市场的影响

4.HAOSHA(FengTai) fitness club, Start in July ,2002.粕常ǚ崽ǎ┙∩砭憷植浚

5.The overflow dredging method is predominantly used to dredge silt and, generally, only with outgoing tide.溢流疏浚法主要且于疏浚泥沙,一般只利用退潮来进行。

6.Standard for measurement of earthworks and stoneworks in dredging engineering疏浚工程土石方计量标准

7.hydraulic dredging用吸扬式挖泥船挖泥疏浚

8.Building high-standard flood-control facilities and making great efforts to dredge rivers and lakes.建设高标准防洪堤,下大力疏浚河湖。

9.Standard for quality inspection and assessment of dredging engineering疏浚工程质量检验评定标准

10.The canal would soon fill up with mud if not regularly dredged.这条运河如果不经常疏浚,就会淤塞。

11.The channel of the river will fill up with mud if not regularly dredged.河道如果不定期疏浚,就会积满淤泥。

12.They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it.他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航.

13.The depth of the river is maintained by dredging.通过疏浚保持河道的深度。

14.New channel are being dredged each year at a cost of about $74,000,000.新航道每年的疏浚费用约为74,000,000美元。

15.They aren"t scouring any little channel.他们不想疏浚任何小航道。

16.Everyone has his inherent ability( power or capacity?) which is easily concealed by habbits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness( or inertia?).?扛鋈硕加星痹诘哪芰浚?皇呛苋菀

17.An Illustrated Book on Plants(清吴其浚撰) (1848) 植物名实图考

18.Influence of Dredged Material on the Basin Deposition of Gwadar Harbor瓜达尔港疏浚弃土对港内淤积的影响


An Analysis of Qiu Jun"s Thought of Philosophy丘浚哲学思想辨析

3)On Qiu Jun s Nationality Thinking论丘浚的民族思想

4)On Qiu Jun"s Idea of Making the People Prosper略论丘浚富民思想

5)A Study of Qiu Jun"s Thought on Religion论丘浚的宗教思想



