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05月&齿面温度 Temperature of tooth surface英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-28 14:57:39


05月&齿面温度 Temperature of tooth surface英语短句 例句大全

齿面温度,Temperature of tooth surface

1)Temperature of tooth surface齿面温度

2)surface flash temperature齿面闪温


1.Optimizing Design of the Planetary Helical Gear Based on Minimum Flash Temperature of Tooth Surface基于齿面闪温最低的行星斜齿轮优化设计

2.Analysis of Transient Contact Temperature of a Face Gear Drive面齿轮传动齿面瞬时接触温度的分析

3.Zigzag bolts of lightening flash across the sky the clap of thunder echoes across the water.锯齿形的道道闪电相继划破长空,声声雷鸣在水面上回响。

4.The Applicational Study of Tremolite in the Quick Firing Tiles at Low Temperatures透闪石在低温快烧釉面砖中的应用研究

5.Her eyes blazed and her teeth gleamed.她的眼睛发亮,牙齿闪光。

6.The sun sparkled the lake.太阳照得湖面闪闪发光。

7.Moonlight sparkled the water.月光照得水面闪闪发光。

8.the glint of water in the moonlight月光下水面闪闪发亮

9.The moonlight shimmered on the pond.月光在池面上闪闪发光。

10.Rain cut across the land in sheets, and lightning played like jagged snakes in the air. High aBove the roar of the wind crashed and Burst the thunder.滂沱的大雨横扫地面,闪电像锯齿似的火蛇在空中翻腾。在咆哮的风声之上进发出震耳的雷声。

11.Study on the Formation of Spur Face Gear Tooth Profile and Meshing Simulation;直齿面齿轮齿面生成方法与啮合仿真

12.hyperboloidal gear双伞齿轮,双曲面齿轮

13.Study of Developing the Properties of Gear Transmission Pairs Based on Low Temperature Surface Modification Technologies;基于低温表面改性技术提高齿轮传动副性能的研究

14.He flashed a smile, showing beautiful teeth.她闪过一丝微笑,露出整洁的牙齿。

15.Geometric Error Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gears and Experimental Test弧齿锥齿轮齿面误差检测与实验验证

16.Contact Zone Simulation Analysis of Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth Faces in Heavy Load Transmission重载弧齿锥齿轮齿面接触区仿真分析

17.The Application of Difference Surface in Deviation Characterization of Face Gear面齿轮齿面误差评定中差曲面的应用

18.Once she looked up, her even teeth glistening through her smiling lips, her eyes alight.一次她抬起目光,微笑的嘴唇里,匀称齐整的贝齿在闪闪发光,眼睛也在闪闪发光。


surface flash temperature齿面闪温

3)coning the gear wheel of the awl齿面锥度

4)hardness of teeth surface齿面硬度

5)gear surface strength齿面强度

6)Grinding Tooth Temperature Field磨齿温度场


槽面—多齿极对的磁场特性槽面—多齿极对的磁场特性magnetic field characteristics of pole pair to grooved planepole teetheaomian一duoehijidui de ciChang tex,ng槽面一多齿极对的磁场特性(magnetic fieldeharaeteristies of pole pair to grooved plane-poly teeth)槽面极与多个尖齿极或矩齿极组成磁极对的磁场分布规律。此种磁极对的特点是两极间整个空间磁场的不均匀性较大,因而可以提高分选效率。它们多用于辊式强磁场磁选机。槽面一多齿极对的结构参数主要是齿极形状、槽面极的曲率半径、极距、齿距和槽距等。槽面极适宜的曲率半径;、0.5,。槽面一多尖齿极对如图1所示。它类似多个双曲线形极(图2)组成的磁极对。此种磁极对沿齿极对称面上的磁感应强度可用双曲线形极对的公式近似计算。由于槽面一多齿极对的磁感应强度比单齿的双曲线形极对低,故在计算磁场力时应引入。.7一。.8的修正系数,双曲线形极对的磁感应强度为卜州_丁一-一l 1~吮~一 图1槽面一多尖齿极对 牛 图2双曲线形极对。,一(。·7一。·8)。。,·in鲁〔,2一(,。。·鲁一。)2〕一式中K一鲁一鲁,,:和风为两个双曲线形极的渐近线之间的夹角,度。磁场梯度(grad召,)为赞一、。。,(,一鲁一、)〔,2一(,一鲁一、)2〕一’·5 夕2 s,n万磁场力为(。grad。),一(。.:一0.8)、。:,ZsinZ鲁(,c。,鲁一殉)、一。-一一一y、一’--一--一.--一2一-一2一丫 几~、?,一2[12一(zeos导一犬乡)“〕一2‘一、--一2一,习槽面一多矩齿极对如图3所示。其沿齿极对称面上的磁感应强度可用经验公式计算:下芬协扎土~弩~图3槽面一多矩齿极对召,、召。(z一下件万y) 一少一”、一1+ml挤B。一B盯radBIBJB- BnB!一二‘升气一’1+ml式中B。为齿极端处(y一0)的磁感应强度,T;l为极距,cm;B,为槽面极凹底处(y一l)的磁感应强度,T;m为系数;当极距l为0.5,、0.75、和1.0,时,m分别为1.09、0.74和0.45,齿距:=sem。其磁场梯度gradB,为 擎一拼卫一Bn d少1+ml~U磁场力为(BgradB,,一B若气带瑞)(‘一湍,,(孙仲元)
