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(2024年)盒式外显子 cassette exon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 08:29:14


(2024年)盒式外显子 cassette exon英语短句 例句大全

盒式外显子,cassette exon

1)cassette exon盒式外显子

1.Some basic features ofcassette exon and intron retention in human genome were analysed, and based on the conservation of nucleotides, di-nucleotides, and tri-nucleotides at splice sites, the method of increment of diversity with quadratic discriminant analysis was used to predict the donor and acceptor splice sites ofcassette exon and intron retention in human genome.论文首先对人类盒式外显子和内含子保留两类可变剪接模式的一些基本特征进行了统计;其次根据剪接位点附近的单碱基,碱基二联体和三联体的保守性等特征,利用基于多样性指标的二次判别法对人类盒式外显子和内含子保留的供体端和受体端可变剪接位点进行了预测。


1.Prediction of Alternative Splicing Sites of Cassette Exon and Intron Retention in Mouse Genome老鼠基因组盒式外显子和内含子保留型可变剪接位点预测

2.Prediction of Alternative Splice Sites and Skipped Exons Based on Sequence Features;基于序列信息预测选择性剪接位点和盒式外显子

3.It is usually displayed as white characters on a rectangular black background, giving a boxed effect, often used for news flashes or subtitles.通常它是以矩形黑底白字的方式显示,给人以方盒子的效果,经常用于新闻短讯或副标题。

4.They painted the boxes within and without.他们把这些盒子里里外外都上了漆。

5.and there"s an exposure meter in a case attached.另外还带有一个装曝光表的盒子。

6.She peeled off the wrapper of the box.她扯掉了盒子外的包装纸。

7.The title of the subject of the cuttings is entered on the outside of the box.剪辑主题的名称记在盒子的外面。

8.Fine hazelnut chocolate, wrapped in gold foil set in transparent gift box. There are different packings suitable for gifts and self-consumption.精品榛子巧克力,外覆金箔,包裹在透明的礼盒之中。各式包装满足送礼和自用的需要。

9.a portable computer housed in a box that resembles a briefcase.装在盒子里像公文包的便携式电脑。

10.A portable case for holding arrows.箭囊装箭用的可携式盒子

11.A boxlike covering or enclosure.盒式箱罩,盒式包装

12.This box/The lid of this box doesn"t close properly, ie The lid doesn"t fit.盒子[盒子的盖]盖不严.

13.plain-frame core box框架式芯盒,框形芯盒

14.nailing machine (excl. hand-held) for assembling wooden boxes, cases, crates钉接机(手提式除外),用于装配木盒,木箱,板条箱

15.outdoor digital noise display户外数字式声量显示板

16.The raw materials needed for making matches, such as chemicals, timber and boxes, are all imported.制火柴的原料——药品,木梗,盒子壳,全是从外洋来的;

17.a small shelter for bells; has a gable or shed roof.钟表外面的盒子;有一个山形顶或单面倾斜的顶。

18.They made another box and crammed me in it.他们制造了另外一个盒子,把我硬塞了进去。




1.Polymorphism of 14bp insertion and deletion in HLA-Gexon 8 involves HLA-G mRNA expression;人类白细胞抗原-G基因外显子8中14bp多态性与信使核糖核酸表达关系研究

2.Expression and Exon 3 Mutation of β-Catenin in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma;肝细胞癌组织中β-Catenin的表达与第三外显子突变的关系

3.Specific expression of different DD3 geneexons in prostate cancer tissues;DD3基因不同外显子在前列腺癌组织中的特异性表达

4)Exons of p53p53外显子

5)exon 6外显子6

1.Polymorphism ofexon 6 in peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor-γ gene in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome;多囊卵巢综合征患者PPAR-γ基因外显子6多态性检测

6)exon 2外显子2

1.Mutation ofexon 2 of neurofibromatosis 2 gene in schwannoma and its significance;神经鞘瘤Ⅱ型多发神经纤维瘤病基因外显子2突变及意义

2.The polymorphism of leptinexon 2\"s E2JW and E2FB locus from blood samples of 145 Xinjiang brown cattle were analyzed with the modified DNA extracting method and PCR-RFLP.利用改进的DNA提取方法和PCR-RFLP技术,对145头新疆褐牛leptin基因外显子2上E2JW和E2FB两个位点的多态性进行了分析。


