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(2024年)译者主体 translators subjectivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 09:19:40


(2024年)译者主体 translators subjectivity英语短句 例句大全

译者主体,translator"s subjectivity

1)translator"s subjectivity译者主体


1.A Study on Manifestations of Translators" Subjectivity in Translation论译者主体性在翻译过程中的体现——译者的现象

2.Interpreter Subjectivity under Feminist Translation Theory;从女性主义角度看口译中译者主体性

3.A Deconstructional Exploration of Translator s Subjectivity in Literary Translation;从解构主义看文学翻译的译者主体性

4.Subjective ideology of a translator and translation style;译者的主体意识和翻译风格——从译者主体性看《爱玛》的两个中译本

5.Translator′s Subjectivity in the Translation of Tourist Publicity Materials;旅游资料汉译英中译者主体性的体现

6.On Feministic Idea of Translation and Subjectivity of Translation;舞者,还是舞?——论女性主义翻译观与译者主体性

7.A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Beloved-from the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性视角解读Beloved两个中译本

parison of Four English Versions of Tao Te Ching: From the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;《道德经》四个英译本的译者主体性分析

9.A Close-up on Subjectivity Represented by Moss Roberts in His Three Kingdoms;从罗慕士《三国演义》译本看译者主体性

10.On Translation of Poems in "Hong Lou Meng" from the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性看《红楼梦》诗词翻译

11.Study on Translator s Subjectivity in C-E Translation of Publicity Materials from the Perspective of Skopostheorie;从“目的论”谈外宣翻译中的译者主体性

12.On the Limitations of Translator s Subjectivity Regarding Poetic Translation;论诗歌翻译中译者主体性的限制因素

13.A Comparative Study of the Translator s Subjectivity in the English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;《红楼梦》英译本的译者主体性比较研究

14.The Translator s Subjectivity: A New Perspective for Interpreting the Two Complete English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;从译者主体性视角解读《红楼梦》两译本

15.Translator s Subjectivity and Material Selection in the translation of Dee Goong An;译者主体性和英译《狄公案》的选材


17.A Study on Ku Hunming"s Translation of Lun Yu from the Perspective of the Translator"s Subjectivity从译者主体性角度看辜鸿铭英译《论语》

18.The Creative Treason of Translators and their Subjectivity;从译者的“创造性叛逆”看译者的主体性


translators subjectivity译者主体性

1.However, traditional translation studies pays its focus of attention to the "equivalence" at the linguistic level and partly emphasizes on the utterly faithful replication of the ST so that the study oftranslators subjectivity has been neglected.然而传统的翻译理论更多地注重探讨语言层面上的“对等”,片面强调对原文绝对忠实的复制,从而忽视了对译者主体性的研究。

3)translator"s subjectivity译者主体性

1.A Tentative Approach to Tribute to the White Poplar Translated by ZHANG Pei-ji from the Perspective of Translator"s Subjectivity译者主体性下张培基《白杨礼赞》英译文研究

4)the subjectivity of the translator译者主体性

1.Skopotheorie,under functional theories of translation,focuses on the desired effect which decides the way of translation and the relationship betweenthe subjectivity of the translator and the strategies of the translation.功能翻译理论下的目的论,强调根据译文的预期效果来决定翻译方法,译者主体性与所采取的翻译策略密不可分,任何译文都是译者有目的选择的结果。

2.Starting from a comparative study of the two English versions of this great Chinese novel, this paper intends to expound the impact ofthe subjectivity of the translator on translation operation from the perspective of the purpose of translation, translator’s cultural awar.本文以《好了歌注》两译本的对比评析为切入点 ,从翻译的目的、译者的文化意识和读者意识、以及译作与原作和译入语文学的关系等方面具体探讨译者主体性的表现和作用 ,以期有助于大家对翻译的主体——译者的作用和地位有正确而适当的认识。

3.Poetry translation is an art of making choices, which inevitably involves inthe subjectivity of the translator.诗歌翻译是选择的艺术,而选择的过程不可避免地受到译者主体性的影响。

5)the subjectivity of translators译者主体性

1.On Cultural Facsimile in Literary Translation from the Perspective of the Subjectivity of Translators;从译者主体性角度探讨文学翻译中的文化传真

2.But thanks to the theoretical basis provided by modern schools of thought,the subjectivity of translators is set free,especially in the following three respects: translators subjective choice of source texts,translators interpretation of source texts and translators creation of target texts.译者对文本的主体性选择、译者对原文文本的解读以及译者作为译文的作者体现出的创造性是译者主体性的三大表现。

3.In China, the attention of translation theorists tothe subjectivity of translators started 1930s with the discussion on the creativity in translating works of literature.译者主体性是文学翻译中的客观存在。


1.On TranslationSubjectivity From the Perspective of Social Semiotics;从社会符号学角度论译者主体性

2.On the Translator sSubjectivity in Dramatic Texts Translation;论戏剧翻译中的译者主体性

3.Now in the realm of translation, more and more discussion is devoted to the subjectivity of translators, which will contribute to enlightening the vision of re-understanding the obscured role of translators and establishing a new approach towards translation study.由"它是"(作者、原文)到"我是"(译者、读者)的转换,译者主体性不再是依附性的,而是以"我是"为缘起之主体构成,是多元合一的互动与被动的统一。


