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(05月)发展格局 development pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 02:29:07


(05月)发展格局 development pattern英语短句 例句大全

发展格局,development pattern

1)development pattern发展格局

1.From the angle of financial geography,based on the statistics,the paper analyzes Henan banking market competition structure,regionaldevelopment pattern and the relationship between regional banking development and regional economy.从金融地理学的视角,以河南金融统计资料为基础,分析了河南省银行业的市场竞争结构、区域空间发展格局,及区域银行业发展与区域经济发展关系。

2.Taking participates in the 39th world gymnastics championship tournament s male athlete as the object of study,after new grading rule implementation the world man gymnasticsdevelopment pattern conducts the research.以参加第39届世界体操锦标赛的男子运动员为研究对象,对新评分规则实施后世界男子体操发展格局进行研究。

3.The average height,body weight,competition ages,technique feature in the match and men s tennisdevelopment pattern of competition level are obtained.对-世界男子网球世界排名前50位的选手进行身体形态、地理特征和技、战术水平进行了分析与研究,得出世界优秀男子网球运动员的平均身高、体重、竞技年限等参数和比赛中技术特征及世界男子网球竞技发展格局,为了解世界男子网球竞技规律,提高中国男子网球竞技水平提供了参考依据。


1.Gansu"s economy has formed a high growth and low inflation development pattern甘肃经济形成高增长低通胀发展格局

2.Industry Development Pattern Review of RFID Technology;射频识别(RFID)产业发展格局研究

3.Analysis of Development Pattern of Container Transportation in the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲集装箱运输发展格局分析

4.The Developing Style of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities of our Corntry under New Conditions;我国民办高校在新形势下的发展格局

5.Historical Evolution and Development Pattern of Football in China, Japan and Korea;中、日、韩三国足球发展格局的研究

6.The pattern of the world is changing towards multipolarity世界格局向多极化的方向发展

7.The New Development Pattern of International Track & Field through Beijing Olympic Games;从北京奥运会看世界田径发展新格局

8.The Competition Pattern and Development Strategy of Luxurious in Changsha City;长沙高星级饭店竞争格局与发展战略

9.On the New Pattern of Xinjiang Regional Economic Development;新疆区域经济发展新格局及战略思考

10.Quantitative Analysis on the Developments of CBA Competitive Pattern over the Past Ten Years;对CBA联赛竞赛格局发展的量化分析

11.Speeding up and Constructing the New Pattern of Hebei Economic and Social Development;加快构建河北经济社会发展的新格局

12.The Cotton Planting Development and Producing-Marketing Pattern in Shaanxi Province of Qing Dynasty;清代陕西植棉业发展及棉花产销格局


14.Research on the Practice and Space Structure of Grassland Tourism;草原旅游发展的实践及空间格局研究

15.Analysis of the enterprise pattern and development trend of sodium sulfide in China;中国硫化碱产业格局及发展方向浅析

16.The Regional Pattern of the Chinese Peoples Development and Historical Transition;中国人类发展的地区格局与历史变迁

17.A Brief Analysis on the Women Soccer Pattern and Development Trend of the Times;现代女子足球的格局与发展趋势简析

18.On The Downtown Spatial Layout of Pubei County and Its Sustainable Development;广西浦北县城镇空间格局与发展研究


developing pattern发展格局

1.Research of Forest Developing pattern of National Forest Industry Region in Great Xing’An Mountains;大兴安岭国有森工林区林业发展格局研究

2.This paper briefly introduced the recent general situation of market at home and abroad on motor cranes,and one by one presented main components,characteristics anddeveloping pattern of motor cranes.简要介绍了汽车起重机近年来国内外市场发展概况,并逐一介绍了汽车起重机的主要组成和特点,以及汽车起重机发展格局。

3)new developmental pattern发展新格局

1.The main functional area planning is an important way to implement the scientific development view,which has great significance for constructing anew developmental pattern in Guangdong province and realizing the regional coordinated development.主体功能区规划是在空间上落实科学发展观的重要方式,对构建广东省未来发展新格局以及实现区域协调发展具有重要的意义。

4)port developing situation港口发展格局

5)disciplinary developing structure学科发展格局



金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。
