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(2024年)恬淡 grace and calmness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 05:02:16


(2024年)恬淡 grace and calmness英语短句 例句大全

恬淡,grace and calmness

1)grace and calmness恬淡

1.This paper studies the features ofgrace and calmness in traditional Chinese music.通过对一些具体作品的分析来阐述恬淡是中国传统音乐审美的意趣。


1.she had a quiet, uneventful childhood.童年生活平静恬淡。

2.Coexistence of Floweriness and Wateriness--On the poetry in Immortal Patent绚丽与恬淡并呈——《真诰》诗歌解析

3.Moderation,Indifference to Fame and Preeminence--About Unique Glamour of Mr.Yang Jiang s Literary Creation;温和恬淡却又卓尔不群——论杨绛创作的独特魅力

4.Beauty and Quietness--Chun Xiao Garden and Pastroral Poetry;隐秀曲折 悠然恬淡——浅析春晓园与山水田园诗歌

5.On peacefulness,naturalness and hermoniousness of the linguistic style of WANG Zeng-qi s novel;自然恬淡 和谐——论汪曾祺小说语言的风格

6."Weapons are tools of destruction, not used by good leaders. When their use cannot be avoided, the best policy is calm restraint."兵者不祥之器,非君子之器,不得已而用之,恬淡为上。

7.The Tao: Inclusion of Existence and Void;道是虚无恬淡之心契入天地万物的那片无何有之乡

8."Zhen Shiyin had a quiet disposition. Instead of hankering after wealth or rank, he was quite happy tending flowers, growing bamboos, sipping wine or writing poems -- spending his rime very much like an immortal.""因这甄士隐禀性恬淡,不以功名为念,每日只以观花修竹,酌酒吟诗为乐,倒是神仙一流人品."

9.If there was a cup of tea, and a collection of poems to read, it could be one of the best days in life.这个时候要是有一杯浓浓的红茶,一本恬淡的小品文集,生活中最美好的时刻也不过如此吧。

10.On this breezy idyllic retreat, 36 beachfront bungalows nestle amidst lush vegetation.在这个清风微拂恬淡怡人的去处,36座海滨别墅坐落在枝叶繁茂的草木间。

11.her sweet unpainted face.她恬静的素淡的面容。

12.The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity.巷,是城市建筑艺术中一篇飘逸恬静的散文,一幅古雅冲淡的图画。

13.He was always tractable and quiet.他总是温顺、恬静。

14.have a quiet evening at home在家度过恬静的夜晚

15.Grandma loves the peace of the countryside.奶奶喜欢乡间的恬静。

16.Betty is a sedate girl.贝蒂是个恬静的姑娘。

17.Brazen arrogance恬不知耻的狂妄自大。

18.Lacking or exhibiting a lack of shame or embarrassment.恬不知耻的,不害臊的


tranquil and tasteful恬淡雅致

3)Peaceful tranquilization平和恬淡

4)Indifference to fame恬淡闲适

5)In different to fame or gain west Australia恬淡西澳洲

6)Tranquil Yard Life恬淡的后院生活


恬淡恬淡indifference to fame of gain恬淡(indifferenee to fame of gain)亦作“恬谈”。指一种安闲清静无为而作的精神状态。老子:“恬淡为上,胜而不美。”《素问·上古天真论》:“恬谈虚无,真气从之。”恬淡是古代养生学的重要思想,它要求人们保持清静的头脑,减少过分的欲望,减少真气的耗散,达到养生的目的。(周正保撰樊友平撰)
