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05月换手率 turnover英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 13:02:37


05月换手率 turnover英语短句 例句大全



1.Idiosyncratic volatility,turnover and cross-section expected return;特质波动率、换手率与预期收益关系

2.Liquidity and Asset Pricing: An Empirical Exploration of Turnover and ExpectedReturns on Chinese Stock Markets;流动性与资产定价:基于我国股市资产换手率与预期收益的实证研究

3.Theturnover was used to measure the trading volume which was analyzed using the Autoregressive- Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (AR- GARCH) model.以市场换手率度量交易量,采用自回归广义自回归条件异方差(AR-GARCH)模型研究了中国股市交易量的时间系列。


1.Idiosyncratic volatility,turnover and cross-section expected return;特质波动率、换手率与预期收益关系

2.The analysis on high P/E ratio and high exchange ratio of our country;浅析我国股市的高市盈率和高换手率

3.20 Stocks of Highest Hand Change Rate in September 19941994年9月换手率最高的20种股份

4.High Turnover Ratio in Chinese Stock Market -- Interpretation of Behavior Finance;中国股市高换手率:行为金融学的解释

5.Upper limit of vibration range of reasonable price-earning ratio related to exchange ratio;与换手率对应的合理市盈率波动范围上限

6.The Impact of Stock"s Return on Its Turnover and the Cause股票收益率对于换手率的影响及其动因

7.Turnovers and Stock Returns:Liquidity Premium or Speculative Bubbles?;换手率与股票收益:流动性溢价还是投机性泡沫?

8.Study on the Correlation between Turnover Rate and Earnings-Return in China"s Stock Market中国股市换手率与盈余—回报相关性研究

9.The Effect of Stamp Duty on Stock Volatility and Turnover: Analysis Based on a Speculative Market;印花税变动对股票波动率和换手率的影响——基于投机市场的分析

10.An Empirical Exploration of Liquidity and Expected Returns on Chinese Stock Markets Based on Turnover Ratios;基于资产换手率的我国股市流动性与预期收益实证研究

11.Random Effect Variance Component Model and its Application;随机效应方差分量模型及应用——股票换手率及行业因素对收益率影响的定量分析

12.Further, we find various industries differently influence the initial returns of stocks. Meantime, the excessively high turnover on the initial-day indicate that flippers congest the stock market.同时 ,首日换手率过高表明我国ipo市场上充斥着短期寻利者 ,存在过度投机行为。

13.Liquidity and Asset Pricing: An Empirical Exploration of Turnover and ExpectedReturns on Chinese Stock Markets;流动性与资产定价:基于我国股市资产换手率与预期收益的实证研究

14.conversion factor"兑换率,折算率"

15.In other words, he is merely an unscrupulous person who stresses efficiency and competes only for the sake of competing.换句话说,就是以只求效率,不择手段的方式来为竞争而竞争。

16.Background: Revision hip arthroplasty is associated with a dislocation rate that is three to five times greater than the rate following primary hip replacement.背景:髋关节置换翻修手术的(股骨头)脱位率要比初次髋关节置换术高3-5倍。

17.permeability-frequency convertor导磁率-频率变换器

18.foot for foot basis [land exchange]一呎换一呎的交换率〔换地〕


turnover rate换手率

1.The correlation betweenturnover rate and earnings-return in China\"s stock market is investigated in this paper.通过考察中国股票市场股票换手率与盈余—回报相关性的关系发现,对我国的上市公司而言,股票换手率与盈余—回报相关性的静态关系比较复杂,既不是信息成本理论所预示的正相关关系,也不是投机泡沫理论预示的负相关关系。

2.This paper,taking the data of stocks as an example,discusses four factors:liquidity,equity leverage,turnover rate and market value size,which influence the financial wealth of listed companies,and pro-vides the political advice for government administrative departments to adjust the deviation between virtual economy and real economy.文章以股票为例,探讨影响上市公司金融财富的四个因子:流动性、股本杠杆、换手率和市值规模,为政府当局管理部门调整虚拟经济与实体经济之间的偏离提供政策性的建议。

3)turnover ratio换手率

1.This paper explores the reasons of highturnover ratio in Chinese stock market from the point of investors.针对中国股市的高换手率,许多学者从宏观层面加以分析,本文则试图从投资者行为特征的角度出发来探讨股市高换手率背后的成因。

2.According to stock market liquidity premium theory,selectingturnover ratio to measure stock liquidity,using panel data regression method,this paper makes an empirical study on liquidity premium s stability about 300 index sample shares in China s stock market from two views of different policy or event and different marketable situation during 1998:01-:12.根据股票市场流动性溢价理论,考虑不同政策和重大事件以及不同市场态势两种情况,采用换手率作为流动性指标,以1998年1月至12月间沪深300指数为样本,利用平行数据模型对股票流动性溢价的稳定性进行实证检验。

3.The key thing is chasing momentum strategies can generate highturnover ratio which will rise the trading cost and.不过对采用动量策略是否能使投资者获得超额收益始终是学者们反复论证的一个焦点,问题的关键是动量策略所带来的超额收益能否抵减采用动量策略之后高换手率所增加的交易成本。

4)negative turnover rate负换手率

5)High turnover ratio高换手率

6)unusual turnover rate异常换手率


换手率 换手率——换手率是指在一定时间内市场中股票转手买卖的频率,是反映股票流通性的指标之一。计算公式为:换手率=(某一段时间内的成交量/流通股数)×100%。一般来说,当股价处于低位时,当日换手率达到4%左右时应引起投资者的关注,而上升途中换手率达到20%左右时则应引起警惕。
