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2024年进步主义 progressivism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-03 16:33:27


2024年进步主义 progressivism英语短句 例句大全



1.Applied learning and the phyilosophy ofprogressivism education——analysis from the education view, course view and teaching view;综合实践活动课与进步主义教育哲学思想——从教育观、课程观、教学观分析

2.Reform of American State and Local Governments in Period of Progressivism;进步主义时期美国的州与地方政府机构改革


1.From Liberalism to Nationalism--The political changes during the period of American progressivism;从自由主义到国家主义——美国进步主义时期的政治变动

2.Learning Theory in American Progressive Education and Its Enlightenment;美国进步主义教育的学习观及其启示

ments on The Eight-Year Study of Progressive Education in America;美国进步主义教育之“八年研究”述评

parison the Idea of Educational Influences Between the Educational Philosophy of Perennialism and That of Progressivism;永恒主义和进步主义教育哲学关于教育影响之思想的比较

5.Let us now see how progressivism came to flood tide.现在,让我们看看:进步主义如何走向高潮。

6.Reform of American State and Local Governments in Period of Progressivism;进步主义时期美国的州与地方政府机构改革

7.New Democratism Culture had historical progress.新民主主义文化具有历史的进步作用。

8.Revolutionary Progressive Nationalist Party民族主义革命进步党(民族革进党)

9.Developing Advanced Socialist Culture and Improvingan All-round Progress of Socialist Societies;发展社会主义先进文化 促进社会全面进步

10.The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress.官僚主义的流毒拖慢了我们的进步.

11.Violent Resistance,Vivid Love and Hate--On Progress of Victor Hugo s Humanitarianism in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame";从《巴黎圣母院》看雨果人道主义进步性

12.The Significance of Perfecting Democratic Centralism in New Period;新时期进一步完善民主集中制的意义

13.On the Development of Science and Technology and the Building of Socialism Political Civilization Building;论科技进步与社会主义政治文明建设

14.We further distinguish between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism.我们对行为效用主义和规则效用主义加以进一步的区分。

15.Opposition to progress or liberalism;extreme conservatism.保守对社会进步或自由主义的反对;极端保守主义

16.The belief in or the policy of advancing toward a goal by gradual, often slow stages.渐进主义通过渐进的,缓慢的步骤达到目的的主张或政策

17."The very objective of our political reform is to develop socialist democracy and the legal system, improve the mechanisms of socialist democracy."我们进行政治体制改革,就是要进一步发扬社会主义民主和法制,完善社会主义民主的具体制度,

18.Significant achievements have been made in the improvement of socialist culture and ethics, and all-round social progress has been achieved.社会主义精神文明建设成效显著,社会全面进步。



1.The western contemporary development takes progressive concept as its basic feature, rationality as motive, and humanism as ideal of value.马克思主义在科学分析的基础上接受了进步主义历史观,以实践为动力,对人本主义的抽象性、空幻性进行了批判和改造。

3)American progressive thought美国进步主义

4)progressive education进步主义教育

1.Although Americanprogressive education campaign has passed for years,it leaves us significant curriculum asset,of which learning theory is an important element.虽然美国进步主义教育运动已成历史,但它给我们留下了宝贵的课程遗产,其学习观就是这份课程遗产的重要内容之一。

5)the progressive movement进步主义运动

1.In the meantime,it exposes the novel s great social significance by pointing out the influences that the novel has made onthe progressive movement,and on the contemporary and latter novelists.通过对美国著名批判现实主义小说家弗兰克·诺里斯代表作———《章鱼》的分析,解说该作品中关于美国进步主义运动以及其中社会改革的描写,揭示这部作品对美国进步主义运动的意义以及作者和作品对同代、后辈作家的创作影响,以此肯定《章鱼》的社会意义。

2.Its emergence was one of symbols of the climax ofthe progressive movement.该党是以进步派代言人的形象登上进步主义运动舞台的,它的出现是美国进步主义运动达到高潮的一种标志。

3.It is his reformation that madethe progressive movement nationwide, which before that was only going on some states and cities.在这种背景下进步主义运动应运而生,在许多州和城市火热地进行着。

6)counterprogressive historiography反进步主义史学


